

Instant Replayification

Okay so the coolest thing about my DVR (and tivo) is the "Instant Replay" button. Last night I laughed so hard at Survivor that I hit that replay button 4 times. It was when they were doing their rewards challenge and everyone was blindfolded...
Twila is walking with another girl (both blindfolded) and Twila is telling the other girl to keep her hands out and feel her way so that she doesnt run into anything, then BAM! Twila (without her hands out feeling her way and her own advise) slams nose first into a wooden post. It couldn't have been more perfect if they wrote it, it was GENIUS!

"Keep your hands out so you dont run into anything" BAM POW SLAM WHAMO!


"Keep your hands out so you dont run into anything" BAM POW SLAM WHAMO!


"Keep your hands out so you dont run into anything" BAM POW SLAM WHAMO!


"Keep your hands out so you dont run into anything" BAM POW SLAM WHAMO!

Oh, I'm still laughing...


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