So You Think You Can Dance
Couplings/Routine Spoilers
July 25, 2006
I'm warning you, don't scroll down if you don't want to know...
last chance suckas...
Travis and Donyelle - Hip Hop and Quickstep
Ivan and Allison - Tango and Hip Hop
Ryan and Natalie - Disco and Contemporary
Benji and Heidi - Broadway and Mambo
Ivan and Allison together again? I guess they figured this is the only way of saving Ivan for another week? Why else pair them up once more?
Benji and Cousin Heidi! Hot Damn you know this is going to be off the chain!
Poor Natalie! All I'm sayin'
Travis and Donyelle could be a powerhouse coupling but from what I've read the judges give them hell!
Good news: Howler Mary is back on the judges panel!
Bad news: Wade does not choreograph a routine this week.
Why does Ryan get DIsco????? Disco is awesome and fun and light and cheerful and all the things that Ryan is not. Very upsetting.
Anonymous, at 7/25/2006 12:25:00 PM
Ryan gets disco because they are obviously trying to ensure certain dancers go home. Why else would the two Cousins with a dance history be paired and why would Ivan and Allison get smooshed back together given their great chemistry? Obv Ryan and Nats are meant to perform their last numbers. Sad.
duckyxdale, at 7/25/2006 12:37:00 PM
Wednesday's competition show is taped on Monday afternoons. Thursday is LIVE.
The contestants pick their upcoming genres and partners Thursday night right after the results show.
Friday they have 3 hours with the choreographer.
Saturday, 3 hours with choreographer.
Sunday they perform their routines for the producers. The producers make any changes to outfits and routine (if too sexy/dirrty for tv).
Monday is performance/taping.
Tuesday and Wednesday are rehearsal for the group routine and resting.
Thursday, results and group performance and then it all starts again.
These kids are run ragged.
duckyxdale, at 7/25/2006 01:37:00 PM
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