America's Next Top Model Cycle 8 (and 9)
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So I've moved the ANTM discussion to my new site where all of the Season 8 talk will continue and obviously all the talk about Tyra's whack ass and whether or not Cari Dee deserved to win from Season 7. Click the picture about to continue the discussion.
I agree with that other person!
I hate caridee she is stupid idot and she didnt deserve to win. I wanted melrose to win from day one. I was sooooo mad when cari dee one because she just isnt a good model i hate her soo much i cant even stand it.
I really dont think i should watch the next season because stupid people always win
Anonymous, at 12/27/2006 02:06:00 PM
I agree with that other person!
I hate caridee she is stupid idot and she didnt deserve to win. I wanted melrose to win from day one. I was sooooo mad when cari dee one because she just isnt a good model i hate her soo much i cant even stand it.
I really dont think i should watch the next season because stupid people always win
Anonymous, at 12/27/2006 02:07:00 PM
i (L) ANTM
oh yeah it was so great that carrie i dont know what you all are talking about. carrie dee had spirit and talent Im glad they picked someone with a skin deases because i have on too!
so gooo carrie dee you rock and you are cool!
dont ever change
-rock out
-cindy T
Anonymous, at 12/27/2006 02:11:00 PM
Truly, people like Jaeda could go farther than CariDee. CariDee is a little too crazy and strange, and that's pretty harsh because the fashion industry IS crazy and strange. Melrose wasn't picked in my belief because the judges felt she would'nt be a good role model for America. CariDee is more bubbly and fun, which the crowd usually will like. And well Jaeda, if she could've taken a decent picture and had a positive attitude, she could've actually done a little better in the competition. Cycle 8 hopefully will not be a reflection of some of the girls from Cycle 7, those dirty whores.
Anonymous, at 12/28/2006 08:32:00 PM
No it's not mom, lol. Yes, Melrose was probably too old. The producers/judges/whoever picks these girls, should pick younger girls. Young, naive girls with huge potential. Not just some random girl who is 5'6 and has somewhat of a good bone structure. But then again, ANTM is just a reality show, not some search for a ultimate supermodel.
The only thing I didn't like about CariDee...Tyra said she was a good role model. She might've been a better one than the bitchy and PMS'ing Melrose, but CariDee asked Nigel to pull something out of his ass, I'm sure parents want their teenage daughters to go out and tell people to pull things out of their ass. Good role modeling, Cari. Next time, and I'm sure she's heard enough of it and whatever, but seriously. Millions of people were watching. Watch your mouth!!!
PS. I was the one who posted 3 above me. About Jaeda and etc.
Anonymous, at 1/01/2007 07:54:00 PM
I think carrie dee was good but she thought that she was better than everyone else. Along with melrose those two thought that they were both on the road to winning and didn't need to try hard to win. They were both good (although in my opinion i thought melrose was a better model) but carrie dee learned more on the way to becoming america's top model. while melrose didnt learn anything other than people make mistakes. not everyone is perfect at everything. melrose was also showing a little too much desperation. she wanted it so much she didn't realize that people saw through her and that she was just trying to impress everyone. all in all melrose did not learn anything from being on america's next top model while carrie dee learned how to be a better model, than just standing and posing for the camera. there's really a whole lot more than what you think "modeling" is.
Anonymous, at 1/05/2007 01:55:00 PM
i actually thought one of the twins should have one, MIchelle, but i didnt like melrose.
Anonymous, at 1/05/2007 11:16:00 PM
Okay I have NO idea what you guys are talking about Carie Dee deserved to win
1.Becase she has had to go threw a tramatic life with psorioasis
2.Because Melrose is a BITCH!
I am very happy Carie Dee won because I look up to her seeing as I also have psorioasis and it is very streasful to live with
Anonymous, at 1/06/2007 01:08:00 AM
She deserves to win because she has psorioasis? Thats a new one. But I agree she was better than Melrose. If kissing the asses of every person that came in range counted, then melrose would have won hands down.
Anonymous, at 1/06/2007 02:07:00 PM
caridee is a better model than melrose BY FAR! she photographs sooo well and melrose is just really bitchy and i am SOO glad that caridee won
Anonymous, at 1/06/2007 03:38:00 PM
Personally i think the twins were by far the most stunning people to have ever appeared on the show. Even though i have always loved the quirky conestants e.g. Lluvy- Cycle 5. I think Michelle has so much potential as a model and do hope to see her as a model soon, as i thought she was amazing! I don't think you can doubt that The twins, yet Michelle in particualr have insipring and strong images.
Anonymous, at 1/06/2007 04:13:00 PM
Iam not going to lie but Caridee is kind of crazy but i don't care what any one say I wanted Eugena 2 win but BIG 18 headed Tyra Banks sent her home because she didn't thing that she wanted to be a model. Forget her ass. Why would someone take out part of their life to go on the show if they don't want to be a model that is what kills me about ANTM
Anonymous, at 1/16/2007 05:33:00 PM
Neither Caridee or Melrose should have won. If AJ had the drive, she would have creamed them.
But out of the two, Caridee had more inner beauty (and plus, she doesn't have a mug like a witch like Melrose). She deserved it.
Anonymous, at 1/19/2007 06:09:00 PM
Melrose deffentily should have one, she did soo much better then carrie overall, carrie totallt SUCKED suring the fashion show and i was totally pissed when she won, if anyone is a bitch it was carrie dee, the whole entire time everyone was complaining about melsore being a bitch they should have just stopped being go god damn immature and focused on why they wanted to be there in the fist place, geeeez.
Anonymous, at 1/20/2007 01:27:00 AM
I really did not like carrie dee, she looked way trashy and more like play boy commercial model then a high fashion model, she totally didnt deserve to win, melrose kicked her ass pretty much the whole time PLUS she whooped her in the fashion show, face it carrie dee SUCKED! yet.. she still won I dont know why but oh well, also the whole time everyone was complaing about melrose being a bitch when they should have stopped being so god damn immature and focused on the reason why they were there in the 1st place.. anways, it really doesnt even matter who wins at all because I personally have not seen anyone who won on a commerical or ad in a magazine or anything at all hmm so whats up with that? I dont think the get what is promised during the show anyway.. now i am rambaling im sorry.. haha.
Anonymous, at 1/20/2007 01:33:00 AM
yeah i've also noticed that none is ever actually seen after they win america's next top model accept fro in like teen magazines or w/e telling you that they won. that is other than eva. in my opinion eva's been the best america's next top model since the show's been on and i've actually seen her in numerous things on like tv and stuff. maybe their just in like really high fashion magazines even though i would think that if you sign on with covergirl we would see you in a commercial or something...w/e honostly i wish that anchal would have been more outgoing she was so pretty and exotic looking and it would have been different to have an Indian top model. They should definitely pick someone exotic this time around. or which ever one they give the short red hair cut to this season cuz you know they do one evry season...
Anonymous, at 1/25/2007 11:35:00 AM
oh and by the way i liked cari dee she was a little dippy just like me and i think that a lot of teenagers would like her thats why they put her in seventeen magazine. besides it seems like mostly teen girls watch the show anyway. you know what i think thay should do, they should let the veiwers vote a couple times for like their favorite. i know they do that with cover girl of the week but they should do it for the show a couple times too...
Anonymous, at 1/25/2007 11:37:00 AM
anyway. tyra looks immense.
Anonymous, at 1/26/2007 01:14:00 AM
Melrose was an old looking bitchy hag. and im happy caridee won. how can someone say she didnt have the spirit or talent! are u insane!!??
Anonymous, at 1/26/2007 12:13:00 PM
you people have no life. becoming a top model is a test you have to ace,and obviously carriedee aced that test. If experienced judges picked here then that means she had everything it took to be a model, more than any of the other girls and she promised ugena that she would beat bitchy melrose just 4 her and she kept her promise.Melrose was stuck up but thats ok she made it to the top 2 so she has a reason to be stuck up but carriedee won because she was meant to be a model and melrose didn't have the whole package. and so what if carriedee said something insulting to nigel everyone says something bad to someone at one point in their life noones perfect!! I ma glad carriedee won after having a skin disease her story is so inspiring I mean c'mon SHE IS AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL!!
krissy101, at 1/27/2007 11:05:00 PM
Who cares about a skin disease! Seriously! Lets rush to the hospital and pick up burn victims! Being a model has nothing to do with your past HELLO!? Its a question of your talent thats it. And WTH was Caridee thinking when she told Nigel to get that "rod" out of his ass. Aniways. You want the sap story to win, it did. Clap! clap!
Anonymous, at 1/29/2007 07:38:00 PM
i think melrose is a physco...and caridee had the better personality. but i do think that anchal is the most stunning person i have ever seen in my entire life. i wished she had the drive because she has such an exotic look.
Anonymous, at 2/06/2007 02:38:00 PM
I think CarriDee was great But Melrsoe kikked ass she was the best && she was awsome!! She always had good shout's and she always had great tone in her face and she was better then CarriDee on the Runway show Carrie Dee..kinda went crzey!!But i still love them Both!!!!..Anyway..Im soo excited about Cycel 8!!!
Anonymous, at 2/10/2007 09:28:00 AM
I personally think that AJ had so much potencial, she had a brilliant face and body, and i thought she was one of the best looking contestants ever, but i just wanted her to want the modelling more and then i think she might have won.
A.J rocks
Anonymous, at 2/17/2007 11:40:00 AM
I am so excited about ANTM cycle 8. I was devastated when Jaslene didn't make it on cycle 7 but she has made it in cycle 8 and i can't wait to see her. She has an amazing body and her bone structure is epic.
Jaslene to win!!!!!!
Anonymous, at 2/17/2007 11:43:00 AM
antm is awsome!! dnielle cycle 6 was the best winner ever! shes sooo funny!! tyra you look fantastic!!
Anonymous, at 2/26/2007 05:26:00 AM
Why don't we just sum it up as a bad season?
Anonymous, at 3/29/2007 06:00:00 PM
Melrose kicked ass, she worked her ass off whilst the other girls were too busy bitching about her. They knew she had a way better chance of winning than them, so they all got together and made her look like the
bitch ...pearrrrrrrllllllease. The viewers can make up their own mind.
Anonymous, at 4/24/2007 09:32:00 AM
I DO NOT like CariDee and was completely shocked that she won after the judges straight up told her that she would NEVER book a fashion show with her walk. Guess what, they were right! The only place I ever see her now are on the worst dressed pages, lovely role model. And so what if Melrose was slightly bitchy, she's a girl! We're ALL bitchy, the others were just jealous that she kept winning all of the challenges, it happens every cycle! Did anyone think it was slightly bitchy of the others to keep ganging up on Melrose? The same thing happened to Eva! And Cari should win because of a skin disease.. that is CURABLE... please. I think YOU people who say that should take your heads out of your asses. It's a COMPETITION not a sympathy vote.
Anonymous, at 2/03/2008 07:41:00 PM
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