

Big Brother 5

Damn that skunk streaked Diane and her wishy washy ways. Damn her to hell. I know that she didn't just weasel her way into getting Nakomis out of this house next week. The Three Stooges are going to make it to the finals and none of them deserves to win. Since week 2 this game has belonged to Nakomis and she deserves to win, hands down. She may not be pretty, but she can play a game like no other. I am not counting her out yet though. There is still hope in my heart that somehow Cowboy will be evicted this Thursday. HE HAS TO BE! I'm not saying I like Karen, but I do like Nakomis. So if Karen goes, it's Nakomis that say's "cool beans" for the last time next week.

Bare Shouldered Julie Chen, were are your stupid twists this week... when we need them?


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