

Everwood 11.1.04

Everwood 11.1.04
Originally uploaded by duckydale.
Sometimes this show shines like no other... Here is the best exchange of the night (between Edna and her Boss, Dr. Dimples - Scott Wolf):

Edna: "Ephram Brown is dating Amy Abbott, who is the daughter of Dr. Harold Abbott, who happens to be my son, which makes her my grandaughter."

Dimples: " It's like a Greek play."

There are rumors online that I seriously never even considered. Rumor has it that Dr. Dimples is so in awe of Dr. Brown (Treat Williams) because he is his long lost son. Oh My Gawd! I love it, it makes Dr. Brown's whole "my son's college girlfriend is pregnant and I will pay for her to disappear so my son has a chance at becoming the genius he's meant to be" situation have so much weight because if this is the case, his parents did the same to him. Nice!


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