

Kathy Griffin... D-List 8.17.05

Okay, is KGriff really telling me that noone is buying her DVD? She had a signing at Suncoast Video in Manhattan and only sold 10 DVD�s. What? All the queers in NYC and only a handful show up? The gays love Kathy and she loves the gays, where�s the support? Then she has a signing at Virgin in LA and only sells 14? Are people on crack? It�s Kathy F�ing Griffin, the funniest woman on the planet folks. Buy thee a DVD! I�m going to. How on earth is it possible that so few people showed? It honestly amazes me � is there no promotion? Regardless, I love watching her D-List antics, and the reality of being so low on the celebrity totem pole that you force your parents to buy 4 DVD�s.

Kathy�s husband Matt is my new favorite person. He is the most endearing and supportive spouse ever featured on reality television. He truly, madly, deeply believes in her and loves who she is � faults and all. It�s quite beautiful to watch because I am sure at times she is a bear to contend with. I love that he�s now like a mini-celebrity because of her.

Most brilliant moment of the night? Watching Kathy�s court room sketch artist reenactment of her stint on The View because The View refused her the rights to show her own segment! The ripping apart of Star Jones was inspired. It was even funnier when I remembered that the two of them were tag-teaming the E! coverage of the Oscars and Golden Globes. You know Kathy loved every second of it while Star Jones was probably bitching every time she had to throw it to Kathy. Fat pig� I despise Star Jones. DESPISE.


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