

Still Standing - Season 3 Finale

Why isn�t this show bigger than it is? How many finale�s have a rock and roll wedding called �Linda and Perry Screaming into Marriage� which includes the bride coming out in a ball of silver flash with a glowstick bouquet? We finally got the wedding of Linda and Perry and it was well worth the wait. Perry confessed his endless love for Linda and Bill got called Meatloaf while trying on his wedding outfit. I laughed and laughed. This show touches on sappy for about one second and then rips any emotion and sentimentality away always going for the laugh and I appreciate that. There is never a �special� Still Standing episode or a gushy tear-jerker of an ending like so many sitcoms pull (ie. Every season of �Friends�).
The second episode of one hour finale proved the stronger of the two and a real nail in the coffin that is parenting by Bill and Judy. I had tears streaming down my face at Linda�s desperately chipper recollection of her summer abroad which was filled with stolen luggage, disease, illegal prescriptions, and bouts of homelessness. That woman makes me laugh and laugh and laugh (I still wet myself thinking of Nathanial Pawthorne). Funniest moment of the night: Lauren looking at etiquette camp brochures to send her sister Tina to for the summer so she doesn�t have to waste her summer babysitting. Judy tells Lauren that Tina doesn�t need etiquette camp mere seconds before Tina lets out a belch so loud it rivaled John Belushi in Animal House. To prove her point Judy asks Tina what to say after burping and Tina comes out with this zinger: �Better coming out the front door than the back door!�. I almost pissed myself. This is an underdog show and I root for it each week. It gets nastier and funnier with every season and the whole cast is excellent at comedy. I�ll miss the Miller�s over the summer but can�t wait to see what they come up with for a 4th Fall.


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