

Arrested Development 1.30.05

Arrested Development 1.30.05
Originally uploaded by duckydale.

This show is genius. Lucille 2 is beyond funny. Last week with her coming out of the "clinic" and this week with her "read the menu to me" debacle I think Liza was made for this character.



Amazing Race 6 1.25.05

Amazing Race 6 1.25.05
Originally uploaded by duckydale.
I realize watching TAR6 each week that I could soooo easily be the person that does not read the whole clue and fucks everything up. I could be Freddy or Lori, forgetting their ticket after making it all the way up those 1000 stairs. I could be Jonathan and Victoria forgetting their second ass, well I like to think I could never be those two botards but who can tell. The point is, I can see myself making these mistakes. I'm the person that follows a recipe to the T (supposedly) and it still burns or doesn't rise or is missing a key ingredient. Mind you, not all the time, but occassionally its been know to happen. And can I just say that is snowing like a mother fucker right now? Thought the blizzard was 3 days ago. What?


Everwood 1.24.05

Originally uploaded by duckydale.
Tonight's episode starts with an "LA" girl coming to Everwood in search of Dr. Jake. When the girl's face is finally revealed I notice she looks oddly familiar. She is skinny, but not stick thin and her face is plump yet pretty. All of the sudden a "Guest Starring" credit shows under her face and the name is "Jessica Collins" and well I'll be dipped. The second I see that, I make the connection. She is the older sister of Lauren Collins who plays Paige on Degrassi. I know, I have waaaay too much insight into the teen worlds of Everwood and Degrassi but what can you do? I am obsessed.


The O.C. 1.20.05

The O.C.
Originally uploaded by duckydale.
I had to download this episode because I forgot to DVR it. Anyhoo. Here are the best lines of the night...

Kirsten: "Sandy's idea which is in a different direction involves funding a low income housing development.
Julie Cooper: "Huh! That's kinda cute, I guess. But Kiki, we're trying to appeal to the Newport elite. We need to think about who these people are. They're bored, rich, gossip-mongers that like to shop. They're me! And I don't care about low income housing.

Sandy: "Okay, Honey I don't want to alarm you, but there is a giant Julie Cooper on the table!

Seth: "So, where is she, 'cause I will totally fight a girl!

Summer: "It's just that my whole dating experience amounts to a six month angst-fest with cookoo for Cohen. So when I am with you its like I was raised by wolves


Alias 1.19.05

Originally uploaded by duckydale.
Is it wrong that Vaughn in the Priest get up with a stubble and a bloody eye was hot? Is that wrong? I have to tell you what was so not wrong, was the scene in the pub with Vaughn and the nurse (last seen as "Peter Pan" in Finding Neverland) where Vaughn confesses about Lauren. It was intimately shot and so honest it broke your heart. I loved that Syd got to listen in and be affescted but not be the one he's telling nor be able to comfort him. It was incredible. Just an amazing episode in both intrigue and emotions.

What about when that guy was freeze dried in the beginning and blew up. I didnt know what the hell was going on at first. Was he a dummy? A robot? I had no clue until the debriefing. And what about Sydney's jab at Sloan (the evil genuises going legit comment)? GENIUS!

Lost 1.19.05

Originally uploaded by duckydale.
I was worried that this episode would be lame because to tell you the truth up to this point I kind of wanted that kid to be eaten by the beast or a polar bear, but after last night, this kid is intriguiding. He's got some special powers, hello! Did you notice that the bird he made slam into the window and die was slightly shaped like a plane as it lay lifeless? HA!

The scene with Charlie deciding whether or not to read Claire's diary was hyssterical. At one point he bit the diary, I love Charlie!

Yeah and Claire walking out at the end all dirty! Yes! You know she had that kid and those people at the black rock are eating it or something by now!

And I was excited for the Party of Five reunion last night! Michael's ex was also Jack's ex... Well, not Jack's ex, but Matthew Fox (Jack) was on Party of Five and his girlfriend in the later years was a woman named Grace and the actress that played Grace was playing Michael's ex, Susan. Are you Lost?


Amazing Race 1.18.05

Amazing Race 1.18.05
Originally uploaded by duckydale.
Thank the fuck god these two morons are gone. For real, if this would have been a non-elimination round I may have jumped from our 3rd floor window. I could not deal with them any longer. Colin and Christi from last season are like Ozzy and Harriet compared to these two abusive and loathsome jamokes. I could not have been happier with the outcome of this show unless Victoria and Jonathan were both stomped to death by those donkey's. And read the clue you fucking geniuses, 2 fucking donkeys. Wait, and can we talk for a second about Kendra's poverty comments? She is the ugliest american of them all! When she said that this was a good kind of poverty, like they had chosen to live this way I almost choked on my cranberry sprtizer. Is she for real with the "Third World" comments and facial expressions? That girl sucks.

Sing loud, sing it proud! DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD!

Desperate Housewives 1.16.05

Desperate Housewives
Originally uploaded by duckydale.
Now I've come to expect the obvious with Teri Hatcher's Susan and the messes she gets herself into. With that in mind, I have to tell you that I was completely shocked when Edie Britt threw Martha Huber's ashes into Susan's face after her lakeside confession. The second the scene started I looked at Jon and said "Those two will be in that lake within minutes" (ala Bridget Jones). To my wonderful surprise, I was wrong. And thank god because I was completely SHOCKED when it happened. That is hardcore!

And Lynette with the faking her child's having cancer just to get into Yoga? Horrid. I loved it!

Still Standing 1.17.05

Still Standing 11.15.04
Originally uploaded by duckydale.
"Bill fixing your life? THAT'S POURING STUPID GAS ON CRAZY FIRE..."

At times this show is just funny average, other times this show is fucking funnnnnny. Jami Gertz has turned her Wisconsin accented sarcastic hot mom and turned her into a semi-evil genius of a parent with disdain for children and husband alike. These are far from model parents. If we were still in the "family values" set, I am sure this show would be boycotted on many levels.

Second best line of the night:
"I just traded scarves with the neighbors snowman... I think its cashmere!"


Lost 1.12.05

Originally uploaded by duckydale.
Incest is best, put your sibling to the test! Hello! Last night, "Lost" could have been "Degrassi" because... IT WENT THERE!

Thank you JJ Abrams for making incest yet another secret on this island of misfit toys.

And thank you for finally brining that beast back. The scene in the trees was incredibly tense and when that thing grabbed Shannon, WOWZA! I will confess, I was happy she was dead after learning their secret. I was happy that at least one of them was gone so that it would never come out to the rest of the survivors. And, no... I am not mad that it was a hallucination. I actually like that more than actually killing Shannon. The fact that Boone now has the chance to live with their decisions and possibly move on or self-destruct. Push that character the his breaking point. That was Locke's mission and it should be all of ours.

Incest is best put your sibling to the test!

Without a Trace 1.14.05

Without a Trace 10.28.04
Originally uploaded by duckydale.
I miss "OZ". That show was great fun. I loved the prison gang raping, the battle of color lines, the invalids, the Muslims with the great bodies and the hot man on man action we got each week. Watching 80's star Brian Bloom blow Chris Meloni was a dream come true. I think we all can agree on that.
Last night's "Without A Trace" was no "OZ" but it was great TV. Am I the only one that thought the inmate that was supposedly missing was anything but pure Caucasian? How was an Italian Greek part of a White Power movement in Prison? In "OZ" Schillinger never would have allowed that. Please. I know Prison life. I spent 6 years on the inside of Oswald State Pen, CBS can't pull one over on me!


Kristin Lehman

Kristin Lehman
Originally uploaded by duckydale.
So, on the train each day I see these posters for the new ESPN show, "Tilt" and I wonder why Taylor Dayne is in it. I knew I had seen this chick before and then it dawned on me. She was Avery on FELICITY. Didn't she sleep with Ben-ha-meeen? Bitch.


Amazing Race 6 1.11.05

Amazing Race 6 1.11.05
Originally uploaded by duckydale.
So close... So fucking close we were to forever losing Jonathan and Victoria from our TAR6 lives. Those two make me sick. Her and her whiny voice, he with his shrill bouts with anger. I wish nothing but harm to them every Tuesday night. With the preview for next week it looks like we may finally get some as Victoria throws tantrum #95 of the race and Jonathan yells at her for losing a finger or something. The best part of that preview is amidst all the screaming is douchebag Kendra hollering at Jonathan to help his fat wife. I can't wait. With luck she is more horribly disfigured than she already is and they have to leave the race.
In other couple news, Hayden is a rag living in rag city. Damn. Aaron is a wimp. OH GOD, WIMP of all sissy WIMPS is Adam. What with him in that divers suit circa 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. I couldn't, I just couldn't. It was too funny watching his elvish body in that suit while she blows past him and gets that clue. It was like Veruca Salt when she blew up after eating the blueberry treat in Willy Wonka watching those Corsicans trying to get Adams over inflated suit to sink. Genius.


Trading Spaces 1.08.05

Trading Spaces
Originally uploaded by duckydale.
Hildi must want to spit on some of these homeowners. She's married to like the President of Paris or something and wears Manolo's to do home repair. To Hildi, Manolo's are the new Keds.
With that in mind, these homeowners that go against her design wishes are fucking insane. If you're a South Jersey middle class person applying to be on this show... succk it up bitch, you're her servant! Just put the god damned corrugated PVC on the walls and deal. Bitch Please!

Desperate Housewives 1.09.05

Desperate Housewives
Originally uploaded by duckydale.
"Don't mistake my anal retentiveness for affection..." Bree

The biggest mystery of the night was not where is Martha Huber but when did Marla Sokoloff get that curvy figure? Did she eat Lara Flynn Boyle? Regardless, she looks incredible and those tits... HELLO!


Lost 1.03.05

Originally uploaded by duckydale.
Kate is the bank robber with a heart. She's the Sally Fields of thievery. I like her, I really really like her.

Does anyone else find it creepy that she had a plane in that green envelope? Chalk that up to Clair sized heebies.

Amazing Race 6 1.03.05

Amazing Race 6
Originally uploaded by duckydale.
I dont know why and or how, but I am starting to actually like Lori and Bolo. I dont know if its stemming from the "Steroids" incident and how offended Bolo was or if its just that they are not so bright? Regardless, I'm feeling for them.

Some people I am not feeling for:
- Jonathan and his dumb wife Victoria. For real, he has to be the worst human being on earth. I would like to think that post-Amazing Race, she left him but we know that not to be the case. She is weak and abused and he is a fucking tard. I hate him, death to him.
- Freddy and Racist Girlfriend. Are you kidding me with that "I'm Gonna Break One Of You In Two" bit? Come on now, it was nobody's fault but the gate and your being too tall and stupid. We replayed it like 8 times, there was noone touching that gate other than Freddy and Bright Eyes Hera's head.
- Adam. Nothing more can be said.
- Rebecca's lips. Not Rebecca, but her lips. When on the race does she have time for lip injections? Not kidding, there are times during different episodes where she looks like she got her lips done on her way to the Fast Forward.
- Hayden. You're disgusting. I once thought you were cute, but your skinny and trashy and bitchy and I kinda wish Bolo had punched you. Is that wrong?


The Best of 2004

The Best of 2004
Originally uploaded by duckydale.
Want to find out my favorites of 2004? "Click Here" for a recap.