

So You Think You Can Dance
Results Show

Jun 29, 2006

Again, the group dance at the beginning of the show is some of the best dancing we've ever seen on this show. It's quick, fresh, free of personality tics, and this week featured the gayest move in SYTYCD history; one that if Benji's Mormon clan was watching set them to get lynchin' materials (why are the Mormon's a bunch of KKK members in my head? I don't know):

All I'm saying is that you know originally this portion of the dance was supposed to have Ivan be the Top or the Bottom then his Dad called to reconcile and wish him well (for not being what I can only imagine in his eyes was a "nancy dancy boy") so all the sudden they were like: "Well, can't ruin that relationship again... already" so they threw Travis or Benji in or something.

However it went down, it was a crazy great move and kinda hot... a replay moment for sure. As of 7:30am I couldn't find any video from last nights performance so you can't go viral on it yet. I'll keep my eyes peeled for some asses to elbows, face to crotch flip action!

Our Bottom 3 Couples America:
Pre--Pre-Op Alexis Arquette and Attitude Ashlee
Jessica and Jaymz
Dmirtry and Aleksandra

Dancing For Their Lives:
First up was Ashlee and my only thought was which Drag Queen Magician/Fabuloso Lab Techician did she steal all of these damn sparkly long coats from? They are to quote the girls from Popular, "heinous"; luckily her routine was kick ass! I love that there was a whole
shout-out reference to the choreography smack down: "That's real poppin'... Electric Boogaloos" or whatevs. Lady Shiva was throwing down!

Next up, not long for this world Pre-Pre-Op Alexis Arquette who pulled no pimp face and apparently no talent out for this routine. It was a mess but to my untrained eyes still of technical merit.

Jessica... who if I'm being completely honest I cannot hear her name without thinking of the MadTV sketches where they spoof Laguna. When Cat says "Jissika" all I can think of is this (if you don't want to watch the whole thing, skip to the 3 minute mark):

Now I love that Jessica had to let us know that really, deep down inside she's a fun free spirit... she is after all Cuban/Italian and from Miami. All the sudden she was Ivette from Big Brother 6.

Jaymz got up and slipped twice then fell off the fucking stage... this was all before he got choked up talking to the judges and began crying. It was all out of control and too spinny. Jon asked if he had his head stuck in a door.

Outer Spacecadet Aleksandra's hair y'all? What the hell is in it? All I could think was that the makeup man came in her hair, threw some glitter in it and told her it would be reminescent of Something About Mary... a real show stopper! Um, gross. Then I was let down, I think it was just staples. Imagine the poor intern that had to sit there for 2 hours stapling that idiots hair together?

Dmitry - Sir, I don't care for your face but if you keep dancing with that shirt undone and doing backbends that show your penis I'll keep voting! Hello!

Next up Natasha Bedingfield sang which I was dreading - then I realized that she's maybe not as poppy and cheesy in real life as that shitty song "unwritten". I remember thinking that she was a fierce bitch when her first song "i love you i love you i love you..." came out. Like she stepped out of the London streets as some white rapper chick who's got crazy street cred and this is what she's forced to perform. Her song tonight seemed like that as well. Maybe that "unwritten" isn't representative of who she is as an artist?


At least Nigel apologized before giving Outer Spacecadet Aleks the boot! Very gentlemanly of him, make nice before giving her the ballet slipper home - officially ending her dance career once and for all. No shocker here, Pre-Pre-Op Alexis Arquette is going home as well. I'll miss his bitchy aloof manner come next week.

If Dmitry thought he had it hard with the two untrained partners he's sent packin' wait until he gets the way untrained in anything other than Poppin' and Lockin' Ashlee. Good lucky Chesty! Let's see that pic again!

That's hot!


So You Think You're A Choreographer?

There is this big broohaha a stewin' over on the SYTYCD Message Board that Fox has for the show. Apparently a person claiming to be Ashley's boyfriend sent an email, well you can read it below but anyhoo, a person ("cuzimbossy") on the boards posted it below...

Here's the email her boyfriend sent out to some of her friends/family... it's also interesting cause it shows you how much time and preparation each couple has... and it makes sense if a lot of them seem frustrated!
"Tonight is another night of competing for votes. I went to the taping on Monday and FIIIINNNNAAAAALLLYYYY, Shiva/Ashlee gets a dance style she can rip apart. Her and Ben pulled out Hip Hop this week! First off its important to know what they wont tell you on TV, The choreogrpaher "Tod" (he worked for Usher, Chris Brown, Bionce') was the most unprofessional she has worked with so far. Each team only gets about 1-2 hours on a Friday to learn their routine w/ the choreographer. Then they can go back and rehearse it together privately all night by themselves. The next day they only get 3 hours with the choreographer to tune up the routine, and sometimes even finish learn it (not even rehearsing it full out from the top to end)! Sunday they perform it on stage for the producers and camera people to work out the angles so they can shoot it smoothly the next day. Monday they perform live in front of judges and audience...that shows airs that Wednesday. (So they dont get that much time at all) To make a long story short, Tod thought he knew how to Pop and as soon as he called the "Boogaloo Walk Out" a "G.Q. Wave Down", Ashlee stepped in and corrected him and told him who her teachers were "PopNPete and the Electric Boogaloos"...He started stuttering and then tried to put together the routine...eventually leaving for an hour to talk on his cell phone in the hallway while the dancers waited inside. (They only got 3 hours, the routine wasnt done and Tod had only give them about two 8 counts at this point.) Luckily for Ben Ashlee's strength is Poppin and Hip Hop, She ended up choreogrpahing over 50% of the entire routine! The producers were notified of his unprofessional work ethic, but when it came time to tape the show, all of those things hit the editing room floor. I guess it was better for the show to not ruin the guy's carreer...but if I was the producer I would have pulled his card in front of millions. What if this was ballroom, where neither Ashlee or Ben could have helped save themselves? They got lucky this week, and I think Ashlee and Ben did a dope performance...a good mix of some sneaky poppin and Boogaloo, some club style dancing, booty poppin, and hip hop. The judges loved it, and didnt tear into Ben too much for being a classical dancer trying to hip hop....but they did point out it wasnt his strongest. Ashlee shined. They perform first tonight, and so far the support has been overwhelming! Every vote counts, so everyone who has been supporting, keep it up its working! To everyone else, check out the show and support Ashlee aka Lady Shiva. Each week she gets closer and closer to being a finalist thanks to you!!! TONIGHT FOX PRIMETIME LADY SHIVA WATCH, SUPPORT, VOTE! JRock ABM

Well on the boards this has started a whole debate on Ashley's professionalism and the show's editing. It's kind of fascinating. Here's the big kicker... it never even dawned on me that the show isn't live on both nights. Apparently I'm slow like that. What? Am I the only one? I feel like a fool.

There's also a whole "Who Hates Travis" board. That ain't right.

Thanks to AHinNY for pointing this out and directing me in the right direction.

So You Think You Can Dance
Competition Show
June 28, 2006

Can I just tell you that Tuesday morning I woke up and was so excited... about an hour later when I realized it wasn't Wednesday I got all depressed. Why you ask? Well besides the fact that I haven't been able to sleep for like a week now and I'm an emotional wreck its also because I realized I couldn't watch So You Think You Can Dance that night. Seriously... I know. But my friends, yesterday was Wednesday and you know what that means! Dem Kids Be Dancin'!

Ashley and Pre-Pre-Op Alexis Arquette (Ben) were first onto the dancefloor with their Hip-Hop routine. Right out of the gate we get a great zinger from host Cat Deely: "Get ready for the Pimp Face!" I don't know about Pre-Pre-Op Alexis Arquette's Pimp Face nor did I really understand how this routine was Hip-Hop? I ain't ever seen the players in da club dance like this... (please folks like I've ever been out to a hip-hop club in my life) it was the lamest, gayest, flashiest hip-hop routine ever. Nigel said it best: "It wasn't so much Street as Rodeo Drive..." Ya think, look at Pre-Pre-Op Alexis Arquette, the down and dirtiest he ever got was in a bathroom stall at the Ramrod.

Ryan and Cousin Heidi picked the Cuban Rumba which for some reason Cousin Heidi assumed was the same as the American Rumba. Apparently her nationalist attitude seeps into her dancing perception because as she quickly found out America is not the center of the world, especially the dance world, and Cuban Rumba is a Cuban/African fusion that is sooooooo not like the Rumba's she's used to rumbaing to. Their Cuban Rumba routine started out with what appeared to be some sort of Ostrich Mating Ritual as Cousin Heidi and Ryan stork-like prance toward each other. It was similar to a cock fight without the sweaty men, er I mean chickens. All kidding aside, I don't know what the hell this Cuban Rumba is but I LOVED IT! Any dance that has Butt Bongos is okay in my book! The judges loved it, especially that kinky brit Nigel...

What they didn't love so much was Bad Attitude Outer Space Aleksandra's portion of The Waltz with Dmitry who seriously should dance with his shirt off at all times... just a thought! She was stiff and as the judges pointed out "hyper-extended" for the whole routine. Thank god there are dancing judges who actually know something about dancing technique because I never in a million years would have picked up on that. But then you watch it in recaps and think it's a scene out of The Fly, like any second her arms will bend back, split open at the elbows, and sprout insect legs, only to later throw up on Dmitry's face and devour him before the Waltz has ended. Send this girl home already.

Ivan and Allison were the shockers of the evening! Looking his best Justin Timberlake, Ivan cleans up nicely or as Cat put it, "Little Ivan is all grown up!" If the Argentine Tango is The War of The Feet these two stormed the beach and killed every dancer in sight! Allison looked incredibly sexy in her get-up (including her Lil Kim one titty look) and worked little Ivan over like noones business! Amazingly grown up and controlled from what these two have been presenting previously. I seriously watched it three times! I never thought I'd say this but I think they might give My BF Travis Wall and Martha a run for their money.

Wait, did Mary just scream out that Ivan was like Seabiscuit? Seriously medicate her. While you're at it, someone please duct tape her huge mouth shut. And tell Ross his teeth are glowing again, wow lay off the whitening lady.

I don't know if it was much Jazz, but Benji and Donyelle's routine sure as shit POPPED last night! This was my second favorite and second most rewatched routine of the evening. Benji and Donyelle continue to be a steam roller of a team mowing down the other contestants in every way shape and form. From the attitude, vavavavoom she brings and the talent he showcases how can these two not make it all the way to the finals? They are consistently fucking amazing! It was a fun, hot routine that showcased Donyelle's banging body and sex appeal while still giving Benji room to play without making faces! It was first y'all, no goofy faces! The ending floor roll thingy... superb! There's also this moment in the middle where she slides off him and does this leg kicky thing... superb! Watch the clip below because, seriously folks... superb!

Benji: "I'm kind of a geek..."

Ya Think?

Natalie and Musa! The exclaimation point is my fourth word in that opening statement. It's actually there to emphasize the way in which Cat Deely always says their names... Natalie and MOOOSA! I love me some Cat and that blue number looked hot with her yellow slicker belt (for those not in the know. a slicker is a rain coat)... The Quick Step is the wierdest dance to watch. It's like any moment Seven Brides for Seven Brothers could descend on the scene and before you know it... it's a party! Too bad my pals who I adore Nat and Musa couldn't find the speed or the swiftness needed to pull this quick hodown together. It looked fine but after the sauna those two created last week, this was just plain boring and sexless. There was no heat or chemistry... I missed my Natalie and Musa - what have you done with them you crazy Blonde Chippy with the auburn streaks in your hair?

Jessica and Jaymz... their still in this competition? Huh, who knew? The best part of this was Frou Frou! Though I do have to say that I love love loved the opening of this routine up in the scaffolding area.

Yeah, My BF Travis Wall (who's also one of my MySpace friends - we're like *this*... well, me and his 2000 other "friends" - damn you Travis Wall) is last! Look, Sticks McGee Martha is still with him. She so bland, I often forget she's even competing. She's just there to make Travis look better! Wait, Martha's legs are seriously the longest legs I've ever seen. Her legs stop at Travis' eyeballs. Damn her body is amazing. Not amazing though... this routine which once again left one of my favorite couples looking the least connected and out of touch. Again with the strange Hip-Hop routine... someone needs to make sure this choreographer is not invited back because he just plain sucks. Singularly, they both were great but the judges were right - they were dancing two different styles. Watch the routine for yourselves and let me know what you think.

Thursday night another Bottom 3 couples will dance for their lives and two losers will get the ballet slipper ending their dance career once and for all.

My picks for the Bottom 3 Couples:
Dmitry and Aleksandra
Jessica and Jaymz (if for no reason but the spelling of his name)
Natalie and Musa (I hate to say it but I think they're in the B3 this week though there is not a chance in hell they'd send either one home before Aleksandra and Jaymz)

Let me know who you think CAN dance!

As always, head on over to to check out Sabrina's take on last night's competition. Also, check out who always has the videos and lots of pics.

Veronica Mars at Comic Con 2006

As you know, last year the kids from Veronica Mars made a splash at Comic Con is San Diego. This year they will be returning for a second round in hopes of keeping the crazed fan base momentum alive.

Back in February when I attended the Bloggers Press Day for the show I knew that Rob Thomas and crew were dedicated to building a large force field of wide eyed and eager viewers, hell they just paid for all of us to fly out to the set! Now, they're trying to get the blogger's help again at spreading the good word of Veronica Mars.

San Diego Comic Con is on Saturday, July 22nd and Rob Thomas, Kristen Bell, Jason Dohring, Enrico Colantoni, Francis Capra, Ryan Hansen, and Michael Muhney are all confirmed to participate. The panel will be moderated by Dan Manu from and will go from 4:30pm to 5:30pm with an autograph signing to follow.

Unfortch, Warner Bros. is not kicking in for the all expense paid trip this time around so your friend ducky here would have to pay his own way. If you enjoyed the recap from the Bloggers Press Day and want to help send me to San Diego for Comic Con, please email me about helping pay my way! Right, that will happen. Help a brother out!


So You Think You Can Fool Us?

Apparently two of our bottom 6 this past week have more history than the shows let on. Dmitry and Joy were in the bottom 3 couples but that's not the mystery. Also in the bottom 3 this week were Cousin Heidi and Ryan. Ding Ding Ding!

Thanks to a fellow viewer and blogger GeekCheek who went on their own Veronica Mars like investigation. Apparently Dmitry and Cousin Heidi have been dancing partners since 2005. If SYTYCD has mentioned this (possibly in the audition process) I completely missed it. GeekCheek sent me to this link which is the "couples profile" for Dmitry Chaplin and Cousin Heidi Groskreutz! Who knew?

According to DanceSportsInfo:

First competition recorded
Constitution State Challenge 2005 - Amateur Latin (Latin ) in USA - Stamford (CT) on 16 Sep 2005

Last competition recorded
Blackpool Dance Festival 2006 - Amateur Rising Star Latin (Latin ) in England - Blackpool on 26 May 2006

Biography/Couple History:
They started dancing together in 2005 (July) as Amateur. Currently they are Amateur and are registered as a couple in USA. Their first competition that is recorded in our database was in USA - Stamford (CT). So far their best mark in our database is getting into 2 in the Amateur Latin (Northeastern Open in USA - Stamford (CT) on 28 Jan 2006)

They joined together after Dmitriy and Ilona Mayzenberg split in April 2005 (see profile) and Heidi and Mikolaj Garnecki split in May 2005 (see profile)

Serenity Now/Equality Now
47 Screenings In Australia, Canada, England,New Zealand, United States

Joss Whedon's Serenity on the big screen. On Joss Whedon's birthday.

To benefit Joss Whedon's favorite charity, Equality Now.

Tote Board As Of June 25, 2006
With 34 Screenings Reporting$58,748.76 (Est.)
Our theatre hosted the Boston Browncoats event and sold out our largest venue which holds approx. 500 seats. It was insane. We had a midnight showing and by 10:00pm there were already 200 people in line and by 11:00pm the line went down a whole block! We had to turn away at least another hundred people because the show was sold out before 11! People came out in droves even though it was pouring rain to celebrate Joss Whedon's Bday and to help out his fave charity Equality Now.
The screening began with a video from Equality Now in which Meryl Streep presented Joss with an award. He gave a very funny speech once and for all addressing the one endless question he's asked at every press junket: "So why do you write such strong women characters" He gave about 10 variations on the answer and they were all funny yet very poignant.
Next there was the big give aways; ranging from Buffy comics to Firefly props to charms to a Reaver blade that was an actual prop from Serenity. The Serenity folks and Joss hooked each of the 47 theatres up!
Overall it was a great event and a long event! The movie didn't even get over until 2:50am! That's past Ducky's bedtime!
As you can see above, the total as of yesterday for the charity screenings was reaching $60,000 and not all screens were reporting. I'm happy to announce that at of last night our Boston screening was the 2nd highest fundraiser for this event with almost $4,000! Awesome job guys and we hope to do it again next year!
Here's some words from Joss after this weekends amazing showings:
Thank you. All. First, for all your birthday wishes, which meant a lot to my spectacularly old self. (Special kudos to the person who pointed out that I am now old enough to order a drink twice over, as I have quoted that extensively, and also had more drinks.) I had a very nice birthday and feel terribly well-preserved, 'cept for that damn knee. I saw my friends and destroyed my enemies, so it was a mellow day. And all your wishes were read and appreciated.
But the second "Thank You" is obviously for the screenings, and everyone's involvement. Apparantly there is only One True B!x and we should stop worshipping false B!x's (I had a golden B!x calf that was SO cute, but it's e-bay bound). What an achievement. I wish I could have been at one, but destroying my enemies is time-consuming (and where the @#$% do I hide Goddard's body? He's ENORMOUS!). I got an E-mail from Jessica Neuwirth, who was of course thrilled and grateful for the whole thing. It's by your efforts that my movie has become inexorably linked to such a vital, under-recognized cause, and so y'all should be frantically patting yourselves on the backs. Thank you. It matters. Plus, fun!


Rise Against's "Ready To Fall"

So I know this is not TV related but I on occassion pepper this blog with activist postings. Most recent was the Boycott Macy's Campaign, before that was the Boycott J.Crew Campaign... you get the idea.

Having been vegetarian for 16 years and vegan for 7 I have to put this video out there for all of you to see. Rise Against is a great post-hardcore band from Chicago that started on Fat Wreck Records and are now on major label Geffen.

This is a hardcore animal rights video with extreme graphic depictions of animal abuse, environmental destruction and its causes. It's a great companion piece to David Guggenheim/Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth which is currently in theatres. If you've not seen it, check it out soon.

Veronica Mars Season 3
Wallace Scoops Us All!

According to my friend and fellow blogger thetvaddict, Percy Daggs III scoops on his character involvement in one of the Season 3 storylines.

Click here to read the whole piece.

Don't forget to check up on some of my other Veronica Mars postings:
- Season 2 Finale
- Veronica Mars Bloggers Press Day (with photos)
- My Exclusive Interview with Tessa Thompson (Jackie Cook)

Huff Has It's Last Therapy Session
June 23 2006
Despite its standing as Showtime's most decorated series, "Huff" has reportedly been snuffed.

According to Variety, the plug has been pulled on the Emmy-winning second year series, just as it's approaching is second season finale on Sunday (June 25).

Because Showtime prefers not to release ratings or viewership information -- something about how audience size is less important to the premium cable network than having buzzworthy shows that build the subscription base -- it's difficult to know how numbers for the second "Huff" season compared to the first. Showtime didn't even need ratings, though, to pick up the second season of "Huff," announcing the show's renewal before it premiered.

Thanks to an aggressive screener push, "Huff" earned seven Emmy nominations in 2005, including nods for Hank Azaria as best actor in a drama series and Oliver Platt as best supporting actor, while Blythe Danner won for best supporting actress. Platt also picked up a Golden Globe nomination for his work, while Azaria was a Screen Actors Guild nominee.

Despite all that acclaim, reports indicate that the show never got the anticipated ratings bump.

So You Think You Can Dance
Results Show
June 22, 2006

I don’t know about you all but this results hour flies by much faster than when Idol does one, don’t you think? Maybe it’s because we get dancing, a musical guest, competition, and elimination instead of 45 minutes of Seacrest saying: “…after the break.” Regardless, fast hour last night as we found out who our Bottom 3 were and who got the Ballet Slipper ending their dance career once and for all!

The results show opening dance routines are fierce. It’s great to see all the dancers going at it in a choreographed yet still freestyle looking manor. Plus anytime there are writhing men with hot bodies on the floor I tend to like it.

Cat’s hair is OOC tonight. It’s like a lion’s mane. I know some people have yet to warm up to our British import but I find her truly entertaining, classy, and an excellent host. She’s not too personal, not too guarded, or too mushy. She can be short and to the point when she needs to be and isn’t afraid to push a contestant off stage or out of her spotlight!

The first group up for judging looks so nervous, it makes me love live television shows and the dashing of young hopes and dreams!

Joy and Dmitry are the first group called to the “Danger Zone” which seems new because I do not recall her ever saying “Danger Zone” before last night… I like it. Adds an element of death to the competition like if they really are dancing for their lives later in the show!

The second group couldn’t have been more obvious… these are America’s Top 3 Teams! My BF Travis Wall and Martha, BenGay and Donyelle, Musa and Natalie! All three teams are amazing and I for one think that they can in fact dance. All three teams are SAFE!

That means that our third group contains two of the bottom three teams. Only one team is guaranteed another week in this competition. Cat doesn’t pussyfoot around either. The first group into the bottom three is Aleksandra and Jason. And wait, the third team to dance for their lives is Cousin Heidi and Ryan? I guess, but seriously Cousin Heidi’s not going anywhere. If Grease taught us anything it’s that good girls made over with huge curls and slutty outfits go far in this world!

Dancing For Their Lives:
– Yawn… and I swear her face is getting wider each week. Is my screen on stretch mode? Her routine is so boring and safe and sure she looks okay but not professional.

Cousin Heidi is frantic but controlled, passionate and obviously ready to rumble. If this was West Side Story, Maria would be dead.

Aleksandra – Um, honey do you realize you’re on television… on a stage… in front of a live studio audience… Aleksandra, are you there? Um, she checked out the minute Cat called her out. She looked like she could care less. She looked like she was having a breakdown on national television! I love it. She’s so going home. Get it together already. Hello!

Dmitry – Were those flares in his pants always there? Is he a waiter as well? It looked like he cut up his apron and sewed it onto his gauchos. Regardless, that chest is hot and his body is to die for. Oh yeah, and he can dance too.

Jason – I just don’t get that “natural” style where it looks like they don’t know what they’re doing but really they do. It’s so manic and sloppy, it really does nothing for me. There, I’ve said it.

Ryan – His performance was very controlled but also very technical and boring. Spice it up kid! You are after all dancing for your life.

The judges left to deliberate and for some reason Mia was wiping her eyes like she had been crying. Seriously? Does she now have a heart? She didn’t the night before when she sucker punched Joy but whatevs.

Rhianna – obviously this is not Idol because I thinky someone lip-syncy.

The judges are back and its time to eliminate! God how I wish they would drop through the floor when they are eliminated. A big set of blades could be down there to chop them to bits… I’ve been watching too much Dr. Who. Sorry.

Joy and Jason get the ballet slipper this week creating a new couple in Dmitry and Aleksandra (who seriously is still in outer space somewhere). Where’s Cher when you need her? A nice slap, “SNAP OUT OF IT!” ala Moonstruck would do the trick. Aleks needs to pull it together because as we saw in that clip of pre-show rehearsal he’s a bear when it comes to partners. I bet he called Joy so many names in the last two weeks. She was probably happy to be rid of Dmitry John Mcenroe!

Now we have my favorite moment of the night. As the credits begin you can tell that all of the dancers are supposed to “dance to black”… dance freestyle until Fox goes to commercial. All the dancers descend around Cat in the center of the stage and start grooving. Someone grabs Cat and twirls her around like a ballerina and on the right side of the screen you can see Joy and Jason make their way out onto the floor.

Three or four of the remaining 16 contestants stop dancing and head on over to the two newest losers. Hugs, crying, emotional wrecks… then you realize that the remaining dancers could care less… they’re out their dancing their asses off. Joy who? Jason who? Those other kids are not playing around… this is all game and they are not missing a moment of screen or dance time to make nice with two kids they’ll never see again. The true colors came out and I smiled a devilish blackened heart of a smile as we fade to black!


A special shout-out to TVGuide Online reporter Sabrina Rojas Weiss for being one of the only tv news source reporters/bloggers out there pimpin' SYTYCD! For more from Sabrina including daggers to my blog eyes, head on over to her TVGuide blogs!

GMMR's Got McPheever McPuking

Head on over to my sista from anotha mista givememyremote for a piece on Season 5 Idol runner up Kat McPhee and her battle with bulemia. Who knew?

Serenity Now/Equality Now

47 Screenings In Australia, Canada, England,
New Zealand, United States

The Unprecedented Browncoat Event Of The Year
You Can't Afford To Miss - Buy Your Tickets NOW!

Joss Whedon's Serenity on the big screen.
On Joss Whedon's birthday.
To benefit Joss Whedon's favorite charity, Equality Now.

Tote Board As Of June 23, 2006
With 8 Screenings Reporting
$9785.46 (Est.)

There are two ways to fight a battle like ours. One is to whisper in the ear of the masses, try subtlely and gradually to change the gender expectations and mythic structures of our culture. That's me. The other is to step up and confront the thousands of atrocities that are taking place around the world on an immediate, one-by-one basis. That's a great deal harder, and that's Equality Now. It's not about politics; it's about basic human decency.
- Joss Whedon

All of us at Equality Now continue to be amazed by and grateful for the Browncoats' and Serenity fans' generous and committed support for our work. Their energy and enthusiasm is inspiring and these screenings are coming at a critical time when we are especially in need of funds! We thank each and every one of them and Happy Birthday to Joss!"
- Amanda Sullivan, Equality Now

A passenger with a deadly secret. Six rebels on the run. An assassin in pursuit. When the renegade crew of Serenity agrees to hide a fugitive on their ship, they find themselves in an action-packed battle between the relentless military might of a totalitarian regime who will destroy anything - or anyone - to get the girl back and the bloodthirsty creatures who roam the uncharted areas of space. But, the greatest danger of all may be on their ship.

Equality Now
Equality Now was founded in 1992 to work for the protection and promotion of the human rights of women around the world. Working with national human rights organizations and individual activists, Equality Now documents violence and discrimination against women and mobilizes international action to support their efforts to stop these human rights abuses.

To find your local screening, click here!

In Boston TONIGHT - Friday, June 23rd - Midnight
Coolidge Corner Theatre, Brookline
*though the Serenity website says Boston is SOLD OUT, it is NOT SOLD OUT! It moved to the bigger screen downstairs because construction of the new seats has completed in the last couple days. Tell all your friends, Boston IS NOT SOLD OUT!
To purchase tickets online


Over 2.4 Million Votes Cast For "Big Brother: All-Stars" Within 18 Hours of the Polls Opening

As of Thursday, June 22 at 12:00 PM/PT, within only 18 hours of the polls opening, America cast over 2.4 million votes for which former Big Brother Houseguests they would most like to see compete this summer in BIG BROTHER: ALL-STARS. The polls opened last night at at 9:20 PM, ET following the East Coast broadcast of BIG BROTHER: ALL-STARS AMERICA'S VOTE. The polls close on Wednesday, June 28 at 11:59 PM, ET/8:59 PM, PT.

For the first time in the series' history worldwide, viewers will have the opportunity to vote for which former Houseguests should compete this season, choosing half of the Houseguests who will ultimately enter the BIG BROTHER house. The All-Stars entering the house will be announced during the premiere of BIG BROTHER: ALL-STARS Thursday, July 6 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

To find out more about the 20 contestants campaigning to be your All-Stars, log onto, or tune in to the rebroadcast of the casting episode "Big Brother: All-Stars America's Vote" on Saturday, June 24 at 8:00 PM.

CBS Digital Media operates CBS's online, interactive and wireless initiatives. The group currently operates a multitude of websites, including, the new broadband channel innertube,, ShowBuzz, CBS and

Released by CBS but I stole it from

So You Think You Can Dance
June 21, 2006

First thought, Cat is way leggy. I know her dress is short but those legs are like a mile long and her hair is super conditioned and luxuriously straight… unlike me at the moment, hello gay much?
This Week’s Judges: Shane Sparks, Mia Michaels, and Nigel

I didn’t know if this week would follow the same pattern as last week where 2 teams did the same style (so you could compare). That question was answered quickly because as Cat’s throwing it to commercial… WAIT, DID SHE JUST SAY KRUMPING? No way she just said Krumping, did she?

First up, my BF Travis Wall and Martha who pull what style out of their hat? KRUMPING! That Brit wasn’t lying. Wow, Travis Wall krumping, that’s gonna be a sight. Oh sweet lord, Norma and Bud in Boise are gonna die when they see this. I’m not so sure Amerikkka is ready for Krumping… are you? Regardless, my BF Travis and Lanky Martha worked it out! That white boy is amazing and this week Martha nailed it too. I loved watching her skinny Olive Oil body slam around all aggressive and animalistic – this shit is crazy to watch. Mia summed it up nicely: “It’s dirty, raw, ugly and absolutely perfect!” Nigel thought it was too slow and simple then continued to show us the quick for a 60 year old British White Guy to have a heartattack… watching Nigel krump was hands down the funniest thing I’d seen all week! Did you notice how red he was after that performance?

Jaymz and Jessica will be doing the FoxTrot. I hope Norma and Bud have recovered because this is right up their alley. Why is that crazy Mary/Paula Abdul woman choreographing this routine? Honey, put on some more makeup and get some more Botox, you’re starting to melt with all this dancing. To me it always seemed like J & J were missing and/or reaching for each other the whole routine, like they were seconds behind one another. Next thing I know the judges are praising them up and down. Did I miss something? I know my dancer’s eye isn’t as professionally trained from years of viewing (like my singing ears are for Idol after 5 seasons) but come on… At least we got to hear some Sinead O’Connor! Fight the Real Enemy!

Ivan and Allison are doing Hip-Hop. This was fine and all but girl needs to lay off the smiling. Seriously, this is not Star Search! We get it, you had your teeth bleached, join the club!

Dimitry and Joy were once again cursed with a routine that one of them just can’t get… The Samba to Joy is like Kryptonite to Superman. She was just horrid and God Bless Mia for letting her know it too! Harsh, meow!

Next up Musa and Natalie who are obviously having sex with each other. They are hot business up on that stage. She’s alllllllllllllll over Musa and he loves every second of it. Their dance (though not my style) was on fire with the sexuality and the chemistry is unbelievable. Seriously, I had to change my underwear after this routine, it was like watching porn. Is it wrong to get a hard on watching contemporary/lyrical dance? WHAT?

Ryan and Heidi were up next and after the fuego set by N&M there I felt bad for Ryan and Heidi having to follow. My first thought was why did they dress Heidi like Whorey Sandy at the end of Grease? Seriously with that hair? Tell me about it, stud. I love how neither of them even knew what “Pop” dancing was. When it was explained as “video dance” I was thinking nSync or early Britney but instead we got a 4th grade dance recital with “literal” moves and all. Did you notice that Heidi had moves that matched the words of My American Idol Kelly Clarkson’s song? Why would a real choreographer do that? That’s what Ms. Hickey would have done for us in elementary school. It was bad. I loved how when Shane complemented them as the “group to beat” Mia screams out “Really?” Go girl!

Pre-Pre-Op Alexis Arquette and Ashley pulled American Jive out of the hat and I wanted to change the channel. Boring. Why is Alexis wearing a band-aid on his chin? Too many balls flying at it? We saw the scar or cut or herpes during the rehearsal video so just let it fly kid… that band-aid was ridiculous!

Aleksandra and Jason were the only one’s you could compare this week as they too had Hip-Hop. Girl is white, let’s leave it at that! Jason however is so damn good at hip-hop that I thought he was going to eat her alive out there. But I was so distracted for the whole performance because I didn’t know Nelly Furtado joined the competition. What, Aleksandra…

BenGay and Donyelle had the Cha Cha and it was Fah-Fah-Fabulous! They are an amazing couple as well as being incredible on their own. Benji is very versatile and seems to adjust easily to any style and Donyelle is just so magnetic on stage that even if she’s not completely in her element, she owns it! Again Mia had a great one liner to sum it up: “Divas Live Onstage!” Benji’s still all faces and she’s all attitude. It’s a great combo and as a couple right now, they are unbeatable.

Tonight is the elimination round as another 3 groups hit the bottom 3 and dance for their lives.

My Guess for Bottom 3:
Dimitry and Joy
Ryan and Heidi
Pre-Pre-Op Alexis Arquette and Ashley

Going Home:
Pre-Pre-Op Alexis Arquette

*thanks again to for having links to the videos from my favorite performances last night!

Big Brother All Stars

Let’s just get it out in the open shall we? BIG BROTHER IS BACK BITCHES! Season 7 is going to be the best summer series ever, I’m talking better than Amish In The City folks. What you say, not possible… yes… that good people!

Since Chen announced this season’s twist a couple weeks ago I’ve been anxiously awaiting the Top 20 returning houseguests picked to reenter the Big Brother house. I love that America gets to vote for their favorites because America, I’ve got plenty.

Here are the Top 20 by Season:

“Chicken George”
– sure he was kind of endearing to watch and sure it was fun television to see this obese father of 30 from the sticks dye his hair and act like an ass but like he said last night… this was before BB became what it is today. There was no strategy, just watch a bunch of douches in a house for 3 months. He’s still sad and pathetic and I for one will not vote him back into this house. And I think Chen is overestimating the ratings from Season 1 because like 10 people watched and 3 of them I knew. This show didn’t kick into gear until you know who hit the screen in Season 2.

Will (Winner – BB2) – Will changed the way we watched Big Brother. He came in as the devil and walked out as the devil who all the sudden could actually wear Prada. He was hot, had a body for sin, and was a friggin’ doctor! He was the most egotistical and devious player in Big Brother history and still my favorite! With that said, seriously Will call TrimSpa because you’re going to be spending 3 months half naked for my enjoyment and I don’t want you looking like a bloated version of yourself. Please work that bod. He won’t enter the house for another couple weeks so if he throws up every day for 2 weeks AND takes TrimSpa he will once again be hot business!

Bunky – As annoying and whiny as Bunky was, he was also the funniest thing to watch. I loved tracking his weight loss! I loved that he was the biggest gay on television (mind you, Carson and the other Queer Eyes had yet to debut) and didn’t care. I just loved Bunky. He looks great and I hope he’s got those emotions under control because I would like to see him back in action.

Monica – Oh “It’s On!” Yes it is bitch! I love Monica. All I can remember is sitting in my friends house with like 5 of us screaming “It’s On!” all that summer. We had a blast watching her and those wigs! Damn she was funny to watch. I love Monica in the long hair more than Monica with the short hair – but that’s just me! “It’s On!” Remember Monica’s cousin was in the World Trade Center on 9/11? That was insane.

Mike “Boogie” – I fucking hate Mike Boogie. Fucking Hate Him. Like, wish his stupid bar Belly would blow up and he dies in it Hate Him! If his stupid ugly fat face makes it back in this game there is a chance I’ll boycott. I’ll rent a banner to fly over that house each day that says “Mike Boogie’s A Douche” if he’s on there. Screw that Ferris Wheel for Everwood, lets get a fundraiser going where we’ll pay Chen not to let him back in! God I hate him… why would they pick him as an All Star? No one I know could stand to even look at him let alone see him for another whole summer. Gross. This is Big Brothers biggest mistake… bigger than Will Mega! Remember “Chill Town”? What an asshole this guy is. Ugh.

Missing: Nicole. Where the hell is Nicole? I loved her. I guess maybe her Husband put the kibosh on that happening again. Wasn’t she married for like 4 days before entering the house in BB2? She was awesome and I am sad she won’t be viewed again. I know Lil’ Jenn’s upset, she had a mini crush on Nicole.

Marcellas – Who doesn’t love Marcellas? But here’s my question? Who the hell will do the weekly video on if Marcellas is in the house? That worries me because that Gretchen chick that’s been doing it is rough around the edges. All I’m sayin’. Yeah Marcellas! Get that Gnome back out Chen, Marcellas is a shoo-in!

Danielle – As annoyed as I was with Danielle and her alliance with God Boy Jason, I have to give her credit, she made it to that final without anyone so much as blinking at her. She was the ultimate sneak and it almost paid off. Watching two strong black women like Monica and Danielle all summer could be a riot as both are opinionated and strong willed! A good match!

Lisa (Winner BB3) – Sure she won, but was she really that good of a player? I think people liked her hot body but she had an annoying voice. I could do without.

Missing: Amy! Where is my southern fag hag? Come on Chen, bust out some Amy for us please. She was too much fun and would add so much spice to this summer’s already crazy stew.

Seriously the eX-Factor season was kinda lame if only because most of the contestants blew. There were however two great additions and they were Alison and Jun. Never in the history of BB has there been a final two that were more hated than Alison and Jun. Alison was a conniving bitch and Jun was blunt and backstabbing so when the finale came, everyone cast their vote but ripped each contestant apart in the process because they didn’t think either deserved to win. Great TV but disappointing win because Jun was so done by that point, she just wanted out.

Alison – I loved watching her manipulate each and every person in the game. She was annoying and a bitch but she really was playing the game. She ruined poor little Nathan. She bedded her ex. She even buttered up the girls in order to make it to the final 2. It worked and she was demonized. Then she went on The Amazing Race with Donny, that wet blanket of a boyfriend – that didn’t last long. Now, Alison’s looking slim and trim and I’m sure she’s even more conniving than before. What’s not to love about bringing Alison back?

Erika – Seriously? Remember her stupid ass terrycloth track suits and those horrid JBlo hats? She was not a great player and correct me if I’m wrong but that bitch was on Quaaludes when she did her All Stars interview. Slurring and slow. Maybe those fake horse teeth and titties are blocking her vocal cords. Please, do not send this brokeass Barbi into the house.

Dana – What? They are hurting for Season 4. Honestly folks.

Missing: Jun. Come on where is the winner? Jun rocks! Also, Nathan, he was hot and he’s gotta be out of that closet by now right?

– You have got to be kidding me here. Jase wasn’t funny or mildly amusing. He wasn’t even annoying he was just fake and a total douche. Remember that hair? Why on earth would they bring him back? He was just such a loser and remember that whore Holly? Oh god, they were just awful. I beg of America to not vote for him. I’m thinking of finding a 10 year old hacker to remove him from the BB voting site. I’d rather have Mike Boogie on there than Jase. Yeah.

Cowboy – For laughs and hick jokes alone he’d be worth having on for a week or two. God Cowboy… you know its bad when even your long lost sister doesn’t acknowledge you exist… after finding out on television. Is that step-kid of his still a porker? Notice he’s no longer a “Security Guard” at Target or wherever he was… Cowboy all grows up!

Nakomis – She was very fun in the game of BB. Remember her 5 finger plan or whatever it was? Who knew she had a brain for something more than Magic: The Gathering? I love that she finds out she’s related to Cowboy and could care less. I appreciate the black heartedness of it all. I’ll vote Nakomis back in.

Diane – Was there anything better than watching Drew bed Diane and then slit her throat in the final 3? Imagine that morning? She wakes up, blows him and thinks life is all roses until later that day when your own boyfriend votes you out! It was great!!! I love that she’s all bitter and witchy looking now. A bitter evil Diane might be worth watching!

Missing: Gay Will. Sure he was no Marcellas but he was very enjoyable and entertaining to watch. I guess Logo pays more than BBAS?

This is where it gets tough folks because there were so many good players and huge personalities last summer that how can you narrow it down! I think they did a great job with their choices and afterall, all but one of those damn “Friendship Alliance” fools were rejected!

Howie – Howis is a dork but a loveable dork. He’s so harmless and simple. He’s like Lennie from “Of Mice and Men” – Howie’s that simple. “BUSTO!”

Kaysar – Oh yeah baby!!! My hot muslim is back! I loved Kaysar. America loved Kaysar. If Will from BB2 is the first lock for the All Stars team, Kaysar is number 2!

Janelle – “Bye Bye Bitches!” God remember how amazing it was last summer when we realized that Janelle was not a dumb blonde after all? She only got better as the game went on! She deserved to be in the finale if you’re askin’! So many good lines and moments from Janelle’s evil tirade against the Nerd Herd! She is a must for All Stars!

James – How can The Veto King not be in All Stars? He was one of the most hated players in the history of BB but damnit, you cannot kill him. After Cher and the cockroaches, there will also be James after a nuclear blast! James rocks.

Ivette – Here’s where I’m torn. A member of the “Friendship Alliance” does not need to be in the All Stars game. Her scary attachment to “Cappy” (god if I had to hear that once more I was going to hire someone to strangle her) was hands down the creepiest bond in BB history. I never got it. On the other hand, few people had better confessionals than Ivette. She was funny as hell in her one-on-one’s. However, she did denounce the “Friendship Alliance” last night and begged for forgiveness… she might be worth bringing back. I can’t believe I just wrote that. Wow.

So here’s what you do fans. Head on over to and vote for which of the Top 20 you want back into the game. As far as I can tell the Top 3 Men and Top 3 Women are automatically in. The remaining 6 houseguests are then picked by the producers? Is that right? I was a little lost on that part. Regardless, you have until Wednesday June 28th to vote on your faves. Each one has a statement and a video so even if you’re new to the show you can catch up!

On Thursday, July 6th Chen will announce the 12 houseguests competiting all summer in Big Brother All Stars!

Here are the ones I’ve already voted for (today): Kaysar, James, Janelle, Marcellas, Will, Monica, and Bunky. You can vote as many times as you like from what I can tell. So get on it folks!

Here are my picks for the Top 12 All Stars:

Let me know what you think of our Top 20 and who will make it to the Final 12 All Stars!

He's Baaaack!

So I just got back from my vacation! I'm tanned and felling good - ready to tackle the like 40 hours of Tivo I missed. I've already seen Big Brother All Stars and So You Think You Can Dance so those comments are coming! Stay Tuned.

And how were all of you?


Duckyxdale Goes On Holiday

I will be out of town until next Thursday. The scariest part is that I will actually be without television until next Thursday. I'm "roughing" it so to speak at a house on a lake in Maine for a few days. Until then my friends and loyal readers, I hope you will browse some of my favorite sites and read through some of my archives. Friends and archives on the right sidebar!

While you're at it, head on over to my AIDS Ride site and blog to catch up on where I am with fundraising! And while you over there, donate muthas! Click on the animated gif to the right (me on my old tyme bike) to see the site.

So You Think You Can SUE US? is reporting that some jerkoff and his "partner" are suing Fox over SYTYCD. Did he just realize that this show was on the air? Buddy, last season would have been the time to sue. Hello! Here's the article.

LOS ANGELES -- A man who calls himself "The Dance Doctor" and his partners are suing FOX, claiming the network's summer show "So You Think You Can Dance" is a ripoff of their idea.

The plaintiffs claim in their suit, filed Wednesday, that they registered the idea for a dance-competition show -- with the same title as FOX's series -- with the Writers Guild of America three years ago. They're seeking unspecified damages from FOX and producers 19 Entertainment and Dick Clark Productions, along with a management firm to which the group pitched their show.

FOX and "Dance's" producers haven't commented on the suit.

The lawsuit alleges that John Cassese, aka the Dance Doctor, former Universal exec Maria Lamagra and writers Brian Nelson and Mark Wolfe registered a show concept called "So You Think You Can Dance" with the Writers Guild in May 2003. Their show would recruit dancers from across the country and partner them up, where they'd perform different styles of dance in front of a judging panel -- pretty much what the FOX series does now.The four producers say they pitched the idea to management company Martin Erlichman Associates (also a defendant), which agreed to help try to sell the idea to powerhouse talent agency CAA. After that, the suit claims, they heard nothing from Erlichman Associates.

"So You Think You Can Dance" debuted on FOX last summer and earned solid ratings. Its second season is averaging about 10 million viewers per episode thus far.

Nigel Lythgoe, an executive producer of "American Idol" and a former dancer himself and "Idol" mastermind Simon Fuller are credited as the creators of the show.


So You Think You Can Dance - Week 1 Results
June 15, 2006

Okay I had a double shock... first my DVR stopped recording as Stanislav was asked to step forward. I thought for sure it was to tell him he's safe and that lil Ivan is going home with his spangled bedazzled Jacko silver glove... then POOF! Cuts off.

I go online to see how harsh they were to lil Ivan only to find out that Stanislav has been kicked out! How on earth did that happen? I blame it on George Bush. Or Oprah. Yeah, Oprah. I don't know, what the hell just happened? Stas was amazing during his Paso Doble (SYTYCD is so educational, I had no clue what that was 24 hours ago) and he can move those hips like Elvis baby! I am utterly floored right now.

His partner Erin got the boot (or should it be ballet slipper) as well. Sure she deserved to go, but Stas? Not in a million years. Speaking of Erin, I think she fell prey to the McPheever Nerves! She just didn't seem like herself because when they showed her "SYTYCD Moments" she was so strong and confident in her moves - nothing like we saw during the live performances last night. I didn't even realize that was Erin to tell the truth. Poor thing.

Does anyone know their justification for ballet slippering Stas? Did Nigel give a reason? Did Mary cry a zillion pig tears like Paula did when Elliott was booted? I'm still floored.

In brighter news, that opening number choreographed by Brian F. was amazing! And I don't normally like group dances nor do I like that type of music but whatever song it was had this great hypnotic beat to it and I got a little jiggy up in here! It really showed that Ivan is good and that once again my Travis Wall was even better!

Cat Deeley is good but she needs work in the wardrobe department. That spotted animal print would look better on... oh I don't know... a spotted animal instead of a human. Just a thought Cat. She must have been told to stall when giving results too because it was like watching that wench Teresa Stasser back in the day on While You Were Out... Cat might as well have been quizzing a homeowner on what favorite color their friend would choose for a bathroom - it was awkward and stagey... Cat's better than that, so something was up.

Nelly Furtado, honey I've loved ya for years but I had to actually fast forward through her whole performance. I know she slimmed down but there were caverns where her cheeks once were... Call Nicole Richie, Hilary Duff, and SLohan get thee to a burger joint!

Tell me what you think and I'll post any videos I find later.

Macy's Finally Responds To Gay Snafu

So last week I posted about Macy's pulling 2 male mannequins from their Boston Gay Pride window display. Many people sent emails and called Macy's to express their disappointment in their actions. This past Sunday there was a protest at the Downtown Crossing Macy's (Jon and I popped in but didn't picket) so the pressure was mounting.

Finally, Macy's has responded publicly and I gotta say... just in time. As Season 3 of Project Runway is quickly approaching I've been in a panic. As you know, they announced that Banana Republic is "Out" and Macy's is "In" as the sponsor of Season 3 and with my boycott of Macy's - WHAT WAS A GUY TO DO?

Well, problem solved. I will however uphold my shopping ban on the chain because seriously what they did was retarded.

The response that was in the gay and lesbian paper InNewsWeekly. Macy's East Chairman and CEO Ron Klein said that Macy's made a "mistake - unquestionably" when employees removed mannequins from the gay pride display at its downtown Boston location last week:

To the members of the GLBT Community:

My appreciation goes to In Newsweekly for giving me the opportunity to shedsome light on a very troublesome week in Boston.First, let me stress that Macy's commitment to diversity and to the GLBT community is unwavering. Our history is rooted in inclusiveness, and it is a core principle of Macy's.

I do recognize, however, that during Boston Pride Week, our actions did not appear to support that commitment. Every one of us in the Macy's family sincerely regrets that what we had genuinely intended to be a celebration ofGay Pride Week became the center of a controversy. For many years, our company has dedicated a window in our Downtown Crossingstore in Boston to Pride Week, and we did so enthusiastically again this year.

When the controversy arose over the content of our display, the decision was made to maintain the display with no changes. We wanted to stand firm in our support of Boston Pride Week and the GLBT community - just as we always have. Unfortunately, as sometimes happens in large organizations, a miscommunication occurred and the controversial mannequins were removed. Again, they were not removed because of pressure - but because of an internal breakdown in communication. Macy's mistake - unquestionably.

Some can also call our decision not to return the mannequins to the window a mistake. Historically, our windows dedicated to causes and celebrations have always been executed through the use of text and props such as posters. We traditionally do not feature mannequins in these "community windows" because the introduction of merchandise has no role in our tributes.

I would ask the GLBT community to consider all that we did do - and have done -for Pride Week and the GLBT community. We did feature the Pride Week calendarof events in our window; we have done so for many years and are committed to doing so in the future. We hope the GLBT community will look past one element in a window display and recognize the exemplary record Macy's has in support of diversity and the GLBT community. We are one of the most supportive companies in the country to our GLBT employees, including many members of senior management, as well as, vendors, and customers. Our annual support of PrideWeek in Boston and in other cities across the country should clearly demonstrate our commitment.

Am I regretful that Macy's made a mis-step in this instance? Yes. I am also regretful that some may question our commitment to the GLBT community based onthis incident. However, I am hopeful that Macy's long track record of support for inclusionand diversity will be remembered by the GLBT community and will be a strong counter balance now that the facts are known.

As a Macy's employee, I am proud that our company supports and marches in Pride parades in Boston, Atlanta, Minneapolis, St. Petersburg, Seattle, and New York City (where I have personally marched for several years). I am proud of Macy's participation in AIDS walks in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Atlanta, Miami and New York City. I am proud of Macy's Passport fashion event, held in SanFrancisco and Los Angeles, that has raised $21 million for HIV/AIDs research since 1988. I am proud of Macy's 86 ranking in the Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index - the second-highest ranking possible. And I'm proud of all the community partnerships, events, awards programs, marketing campaigns, recruiting efforts, and education and awareness programs undertaken by Macy's with and for the GLBT community.

I can tell you with deepest sincerity that Macy's commitment to diversity andto the GLBT community always will be an important part of our company and ourcommunity outreach.

Whole Foods Market bans sale of live lobsters

I know this has nothing to do with TV, but as I've been vegetarian and/or vegan for 16 years now I really wanted to pass this information along. I love Whole Foods and this really makes me heart them even more.

By Liz Austin, Associated Press Writer June 15, 2006

Customers craving fresh crustaceans will have to look beyond Whole Foods Market Inc. after the natural-foods grocery chain decided Thursday to stop selling live lobsters and crabs on the grounds that it's inhumane.

The Austin-based grocer, which has stores in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut, spent seven months studying the sale of live lobsters from ship to supermarket aisle, trying to determine whether the creatures suffer along the way.

In some stores, they experimented with "lobster condos," filling tanks with stacks of large pipes the critters can crawl inside. And they moved the tanks behind seafood counters and away from children's tapping fingers.

Ultimately, Whole Foods management decided to immediately stop selling live lobsters and soft-shell crabs, saying they could not ensure the creatures are treated with respect and compassion.
"We place as much emphasis on the importance of humane treatment and quality of life for all animals as we do on the expectations for quality and flavor," John Mackey, Whole Foods' co-founder and chief executive, said in a statement.

Animal rights activities were thrilled with the decision, not just because of the way lobsters are harvested, shipped and stored but because of the fate that awaits many of them -- being dropped alive into a pot of boiling water.

"The ways that lobsters are treated would warrant felony cruelty to animals charges if they were dogs or cats," said Bruce Friedrich, a spokesman for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

In making its decision, Whole Foods pointed to a November report from the European Food Safety Authority Animal Health and Welfare panel that it said concluded all decapod crustaceans, including lobsters and crabs, appear to have some degree of awareness, feel pain and can learn.

But other scientists and seafood industry officials said Thursday that lobsters have such primitive insect-like nervous systems they don't even have brains and can't experience pain the way animals and humans do.

For example, lobsters can shed a claw that's stuck between two rocks and move on like nothing happened, said Diane Cowan, a marine biologist who studies lobster behavior in Maine.
"They certainly have a nervous system and respond to external stimuli, but whether you can call it pain I don't know," Cowan said.

About 183 million pounds of lobster are caught each year in the United States and Canada, and about 25 percent of that is sold live, according to the Lobster Institute at the University of Maine.

"People who want lobster will have lobster," said Bill Adler, executive director of the Massachusetts Lobstermen's Association. "If this particular chain does not want to serve it, people will go elsewhere."

From now on, Whole Foods will only sell frozen raw and cooked lobster products at its more than 180 stores in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, said Margaret Wittenberg, vice president of quality standards. And the chain will only deal with suppliers meeting their standards for humane treatment, handling and processing.

Whole Foods has 17 stores in Massachusetts, and two each in Rhode Island and Connecticut, according to its Web site.

Whole Foods leaders will reconsider the decision if they see evidence that it's possible to ensure lobsters and crabs are treated humanely throughout the supply chain, she said.

So You Think You Can Dance
June 14, 2006

The Top 20 danced their asses off last night. Tonight the bottom three couples will dance for their lives. There's a lot of really serious and high press jigs being had on this show. First ya dance your ass off then you dance for your life. Very dramatic over there at Fox.

My Favorite Couples:

First up was Swing Dancer/Jim Carrey Face Benji and his new partner
Donyelle. I think there are two couples to beat in this competition and Benji/Donyelle represent the first half of this unstoppable 4some. Donyelle is just fierce, she attacks a dance she doesn't dance it. There's so much frantic energy and attitude in her moves that its unbelievable to watch. Benji is the most confused contestant on reality television. He just got back from a mission with his "church" after his girlfriend dumped him.
Um, Benji she dumped you because you're a flaming homo and you probably weren't at Bible camp or whatever, you were at True Directions to brainwash the male thoughts out of your head. And it sounds like the robots did a pretty good job, last night you even threw out a "virgin til marriage" comment. Please, who are you foolin'? That mouth opens really really like rubbery wide and that's not from smiling that's from a little something else my friend. All I'm sayin'...

My ultimate favorites though in this competition are the unfortunate in hairstyle Travis Wall and his lanky hot bod partner Martha Nichols! Their Broadway routine was hands down amazing to watch! Travis is a little jackrabbit that you just want to put in your pocket to let him bounce around in there and see what pops up. She's a skinny beli
nkydink with Amazon height and surprisingly good moves. She just doesn't look like a dancer in her "day" clothes, but slap her in a bra and some suspenders and she's the new lead in RAGTIME!

Travis is my reality television crush of the moment. He's incredibly talented, incredibly cute, and not too cocky but honey, that hair? It's like Corky from Life Goes On took garden sheers and a paintbrush to just one side of his head while Wendy the Retard from Howard Stern electrocuted him. Seriously, his hair person needs to be fired, but only after being caned in the town square. If you don't have to look at his left side, he's a little cherub. Travis Wall is the contestant to beat... once he drops Amazon Woman From The Moon Martha!

Individual Stand Outs:

Stanislav Savich, he might be a beet farmer by day but by night he's owning the ballroom floor. Can I just take a second to say thank gods they didn't let that fat faced girlfriend of his through. She was just too much with her Vegas breakdown and leather fringe top. Over her. BUT, Stanislav could star in Strictly Ballroom 2 should Baz make it. Too bad he was partnered with The Girl With The Red Eyes and Red Lipstick On Her Tooth. Did you see her eyes, seriously the pupils were red, not the rest of her eye, just the center... red. She's related to Sweet from Buffy's "Once More With Feeling"... don't quote me on that though.

Natalie Fotopoulos may not be the best dancer, but hot damn if she doesn't have attitude and personality that outshines any other girl in this competition. Sure, Musa wasn't great at their dance, but she went with it and moved around that stage like buttah! She's got spunk, and it might be a little funky if I'm not mistaken. She's great fun and can you imagine a Natalie/Benji face off? It'd be insane. She cracks me up and right now, that's something. She stuck out.

Ben Susak, or as I like to call him, Pre-Pre-Op Alexis Arquette. Seriously, look at him and then look at "still man" pics of Alexis Arquette... same lips, same face. Creepy. He's hard to look at but he lands in this category because the boy pulled out the Flashdance leg kicks and arm raises at the end of his routine last night and it was pure genius. Sure he was great the whole time, but those leg kicks and arm punches were inspired. I saw a steel mill in the background, I saw leg warmers, I saw water splashing on his body. Good times.

Cousin Heidi Groskreutz... the audience was manipulated into watching her instead of her partner last night. The music, the style, the dress, the lighting all forced you to watch Cousin Heidi gracefully glide across that dancefloor. It was almost scary, because it seemed such the showcase for her. What can ya do? She's got crazy sharp features and some eyebrows that need thinning but I think she has a shot at going as far as her gay, whoops, her Chrisitan Cousin Benji. All Jon had to say was... "I hate Enya" to which I replied... "I don't mind!"

Performance of the Night:

Special Thanks to for being the only one with video!

Tonight the bottom three couples DANCE FOR THEIR LIFE and Nelly Furtado showcases her super svelt body with a live performance of a song I'm not too keen on. Which is sad really because I'm a real fan of her first two albums and somehow actually got into her whole Portuguese thang... but this hip-hoppy shit is not my bag baby.