

Without a Trace 10.28.04

Without a Trace 10.28.04
Originally uploaded by duckydale.
Let's just start by saying how I just can't deal with how hot the guy that plays Danny is. I mean, it's obscene how much I fantasize about him (he's the first man on the left in the picture accompanying this piece).

Elizabeth (Jessie from "Saved By The Bell" and Nomi from "Showgirls") Berkley looks about 45 and I think she might be younger than me, that's sad. Regardless, she was great in this sad social commentary episode about a "Swan"-like contestant that goes missing. She honestly was incredible in this episode, the insecurity and obsession with perfection was always on the surface of her performance. She broke you're heart and made you sick at the same time. If she can remain this good, we will all forgive her for fucking Agent Dale Cooper in a swimming pool ("Showgirls").

Survivor 10.28.04

Survivor 10.28.04
Originally uploaded by duckydale.
Does Atticus know his hippie peace loving daughter Scout is a lesbian? Who the hell knew? I'm gay and I didn't know. I wonder if Boo Radley's in on this?

Lost 10.27.04

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Does anyone else agree with me that the ansillary characters have the better back stories? I mean, Jack and Kate are great and their stories are compelling and all, but there is something more powerful in the backstories of Locke and the Korean couple.

The most insightful moments and mystifying moments of this week's flashbacks revolve around how happy the woman looked. She had longer hair, she was always smiling and was so in love. Her husband seemed smitten and would do anything for her. He ends us working for her father, which leads to distancing in their relationship as he gets deeper and deeper involved with her father's business in hopes of creating a better (read: richer - notice her shopping at Chanel - Hello!) life together which in turn leads to his killing people for her father and her plotting to leave him at the airport, faking her death all in order to get away from the one thing that she loved. It was so interesting to see the difference between who we know on the island and who they were in real life.

Great episode.

Grosse Point Blank

Grosse Point Blank
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"Hey Jenny Slater
Hey Jenny Slater
Hey Jenny Slater
Hey Jenny Slater
Hey Jenny Slater
Hey Jenny Slater"

Brilliance. Jeremy Piven at his finest. "GPB" is a superb fucking film. I mean best of the best. It's Cusack... "Say Anything" good Cusack!

This came out in a time of High School Reunion films which I of course love them all. "Romy & Michelle" came out around the same time and that too is a classic. Not "GPB" classic because in reality, "GPB" is almost the perfect film. It's smart, witty, honest, touching and has death by pens!

The best moment of the film in my opinion, the scene at the reunion where he holds the baby and the two of them just stare at each other as Queen and Bowie belt out the best part of "Under Pressure." It's almost cry worthy, that's how fucking good that part is.


World Series Aftermath

World Series Aftermath
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Here's what I know... The Red Sox have won something and one block from my house the sky is orange and there are flames as high as the eye can see. Yet as I flip at 1:30am from 4 to 5 to 7 to 25 none of the helicopters are breezing that mile of sky from Fenway to the raging fire to let me know what is going down? Is it fuckhead fans setting brownstone's on fire as they walk home? Were drunken frat boys partying on the roof deck and deciding to set it ablaze? CBS, ABC, NBC, Fox, show me the fucking fire that makes my livingroom reflect daylight!

This town is insane. I am soooo not a fan of sports, but I am a fan of media hoopla and exploitation so you know I was all over Game 4 (well after "Lost" kicked some ass and I started book 3 of the Lemony Snickets series - this fag does not need to be watching THAT much baseball. Don't get me wrong, I like me some balls but this is ridonkulous!).

As I've learned from Patriot victories and last week's Game 7 against the Yankees, the appropriate response to a championship win is to HONK YOUR HORN for hours on end regardless of the hour. The second that last hit was caught and someone on first base made the last out, HHHHHHOOOORRRRRNNNNSSSSS. It's fun and exciting for the first hour (non-stop), then around 1am its getting old. As my block is engulfed in flames it's a little less joyous and at 2am when I finally shut off the television, it's just time to SHUT IT!

As I saw on the telly, Kenmore Square around Fenway was semi-under control after last week's riots and death of an Emerson student. I felt bad for the horses that are on patrol down there. I mean, 60,000 people an equestrian match not made. Poor horsies! And then they start throwing bottles at my friend Flicka, are ya kidding? Who throws anything at a cop, let alone a line of a couple hundred cops. Nothing better than helicopter footage of the police rushing fans and the pandemonium it creates before dissipation.

Oh, and I have a theory on New England Championships and my involvement over the last year. Now hear me out. When the Patriots won the Super Bowl this past year, I was laid up at home on the couch with a heating pad and some pain killers because I had just taken a header down a flight of stair, dislocating my tailbone. I was at home front and center for the chaos of their Victory Parade through the streets of Boston. Fine, nothing spectacular about that. BUT, I am now home because as you know, I am unemployed and the Red Sox have won and I will be privy to the celebration once again (from my home). Obviously I need to be broken in body and bank account for these New England teams to win anything. Don't ask again for another 86 years, I've given my share.

All in all, the city is still standing, that's the best we could hope for. I still have no idea what happened to that brownstone that was on fire. Nothing on the news this morning either, hello... other things do happen in the world unrelated to Red Sox Nation. Welcome to Boston.


Degrassi: The Lost Episode

Degrassi: The Lost Episode
Originally uploaded by duckydale.
"Accidents Will Happen" is the Degrassi TNG episode never aired in America. Only in Canada can you get uncensored, unfiltered and completely honest teen programming. Bless The N for airing Degrassi in the first place, but shame on The N for censoring such an important social issue episode.

Originally supposed to air this past summer, The N pulled this hour long episode revolving around Manny finding out she is pregnant with Craig's child and then having an abortion. Again, Degrassi... It So Goes There.

I downloaded the episode from Limewire and just watched it. It's a frank and honest portrayal of the drama surrounding teen pregnancy and the struggle to make the choice of keeping the baby or not. It's an important topic that The N should feel socially responsible to tell. Official word is that at some point The N may show the episode, so with luck our directionless teen society will be exposed.

In the meantime, here are the catiest and juiciest lines from "Accidents Will Happen"

Paige: "And Hon, remember, next time ask questions first, get naked later"

Ashley: "Hey everybody, these two have an announcement to make. Guys... Guys? Aw, they're too modest. So I'll help spread the joy. These two idiots are pregnant."

Terri: "Manny is so lucky, babies are bundles of love. I'm almost jealous!"
Paige: "Ter, you should be fixed for even thinking that. I like Manny but this is the most loserish move ever. She is going to be somebody's mom. She's totally ruining her life and probably her figure. Hey, that's a really cute color on you Hon, what is that... Watermelon"

Random Viewings...

Degrassi: TNG
No he didn't. I know that scumbag abuser needs some anger management classes Rick didn't come back to Degrassi after putting his girlfriend and Degrassi regular Teri in a coma. I mean, hello... Teri is not even back at school yet, she's still hospitalized, but Rick's skankass saunters in like... "Whaaaa-happppened?"

Emma("Cause Girl") immediately takes it upon herself to let him know he's not wanted. She ridicules him, physically removes him by the neck from The Dot (their version of Central Perk), starts a teen violence ribbon campaign at school and still he stays. Not only that, he's got a mini crush on Emma. Sicko. In the end, Rick tells Emma he came back to Degrassi after some major therapy because he likes it there and wants to show everyone he's changed. Yeah, translation: in an upcoming episode there is some Columbine stuff and I am going to guess his ass is taking names for judgement day. Paige, Spinner, look out!

In other tween news, JT gets pants by Liberty's brother in front of his all time crush, Manny the Man Stealer. He later sees Craig, Manny's ex naked in the lockerroom; mesmerized by the size of his penis, JT realizes he can't compete with that wad. So, what does any red blooded teen boy do? Get a penis pump! Oh, Degrassi went there. We even got the sound effect as Manny walks in on JT using it (a vacuum packed "Pop"). Genius.

Arrested Development Marathon on FX
This is one of those shows that I always wanted to pick up last season, but only caught bits and pieces. Now, I did catch enough last year to realize this show is in fact amazing. I mean, come on now... Jason Bateman is back baby! I love him. This past weekend, FX ran a 5 hour marathon of AD episodes. It was a hoot. I tivo'd it and watched the whole 5 hours in one night. This show is so wrong on so many levels. They are all great, there are no weak members or storylines. It has just the right mix of absurdity and realism. Just enough heart to balance the evil doings. I cannot wait for the new season to start. Long Live Jason Bateman!

Red Sox Games
So, I hate all sports if you really must know. I'm not a fan. Except for the summer olympics and those male swimmers outfits ("Thats Hot!"). But, I will say I tend to get caught up in whatever hub-bub is happening at the moment and I've slipped over to the game(s) here and there. I've always held to the reasoning that if there were hotter athletes in these sports I would watch more, but alas...there is not. What I will tell you though is this... That David Ortiz guy is no good. I'm not a fan. I know my lesbian friend Jenn walks around saying he is her boyfriend and all, but he's not a friend of mine. Anyone that big... I don't trust 'em. And who knew that there were people that only are on a team so that they can run. They don't hit, they don't play a position...they just RUN. That little man that came out to run during last night's game is so happy to run. He looks like he is completely content just kicking dirt up and stealing bases. He probably couldn't hit a basketball with a tree trunk but he can run all day long. Welcome to America.


Desperate Housewives 10.17.04

Desperate Housewives
Originally uploaded by duckydale.
"Rex cries after he ejaculates."


Presidential Debate No. 3

Presidential Debate No. 3
Originally uploaded by duckydale.
In all honesty, there are times while I am watching this where I actually wonder if the George Bush seen in these debates is actually the only time in 4 years where we've seen the REAL GWB. I'm thinking of the movie DAVE here, where they replace the real president with a double for the country's sake. I kid you not he is a complete moron at times.

Not lying, at 9:20 he was finishing up his 2 minute response to a question and a spittle formed on the left side of his mouth that didnt go away until President Kerry began talking. It was creeping me out, SPITTLE, he's a frothing at the mouth imbecil. I can't, I just can't. If he wins in November I will cry for days.

Lost 10.13.04

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In tonight's episode we learn about Locke, the creepy survivor with that harsh scratch through his eye. I always assumed him the shifty evil sort, but after tonight's ep we realize he is a really complex and sad character. I felt so bad for him as you see him being patronized by his boss which is half his age, then to realize his "lady" is really a phone sex operator that he is in love with and that he has purchased her a ticket to join him on his Australian Walk-About trip only to be reminded that he is only a customer. Then when he gets to Australia, he is denied access to his life long dream and spiritual journey because he's a cripple. Who knew? Apparently when the crash happened, it reveresed whatever his condition is and he was able to walk again (in a heroing scene that honestly almost brought tears to my eyes). It was complex and unexpected and in the end gave him more depth than any other character in the four episodes that have aired so far.

I love how each week is focus on character X, giving us some background information without giving away all of their allure. It's a well crafted show that continues to reach beyond the supernatural or creepy to become a great character drama.

And that man in the suit that Jack stared at numerous times scared the hell out of me for some reason, not kidding, I had chills on that first long shot of him.

Oh, and what is with the character of Shannon, she seriously looks like she just stepped out of a salon having recieved a facial and some new wispy hair each week. Everyone else that survived, possibly looks like they have undergone some form of trauma... not Shannon, fresh as can be. Go girl.

Greg the Berlanti

So, if you know showrunners at all, you know Greg Berlanti. At one point he took over for Kevin Williamson on Dawson's Creek (when it was still good) and he then moved on to create one of my recent favs, Everwood. This season he returned with Jack & Bobby (which I do not watch). Anyway, there is a point here. He is a great writer and somewhat a gay creative icon in my mind. He works in and out of the gay media stream and easily flows within the mainstream media set as well.

Tonight I am flipping through and notice that Broken Hearts Club is coming on IFC at 10:45, this is actually an enjoyable and honest, and funny film about a group of twenty something gays coming together as a family of sorts and their trials and tribulations. I know, you've seen it. But, what I didnt realize is that Greg Berlanti wrote and directed this film. Who knew? I thought he was only a TV guru.

Random Thoughts...

So, I have been lax in updating the viewings. Here are some things I've caught this past week...

- Crazy Heche has landed in Everwood and I love it. She is refreshing and you forget that at one point she actually was an ACTRESS. She is incredible in this role. Playing the wife of a invalid and mother of a 11 year old that has dedicated the last 10 years of her life to taking care of her husband. She is so honest and breathtaking in this role, she should win an Emmy. Her character has been so selfless that she now admits to having thoughts about her husband dying and life without him. Breaks your heart. And in a couple weeks I am sure it will kill us all as she temps an affair with our once honorable Dr. Brown. In other storylines, Bright is having the worst year... EVER. VH1 should do a show on that. Ephram and Amy are the cutest. And Nina who at times looks like a trailer park chick cleans up well as she goes on a date with the once alcoholic Bailey Salinger from Party of Five. And when did this show become more focused on the adults? I love it regardless.

Desperate Housewives - Again, this show is ruled by the power of Felicity Huffman and Marcia Cross. Huffman as the ever pushed mother of 4 as she drops those damn evil kids off on the side of the road and drives away (to teach them a lesson) and comes back moments later to find them gone. Her once confidence is shot at the possibility of them missing. She later finds them in some fat lady's house and the kids refuse to come out because this woman has cookies. It's a battle of wits between 4 year olds, a fat lady and a mother. It's brilliant all the way through the mother assaulting the fat lady and the kids biting her. Marcia Cross as Brie again proves her weight in acting gold. When Brie and her husband are in therapy and Brie cant concentrate on a single word her husband says because the therapist's top button on his sports coat is unraveling I couldnt have laughed more. Through multiple sessions she is useless because she is fixated on that button. Oh god, it's good. GOOOOOOD.
Jon said he has a new found respect for this show's writers because they referenced a Dorthy Parker poem without actually referencing it at all (subtly with the single perfect rose commentary). He actually went upstairs and got a Dorothy Parker book to read me the passage, and sure as shit, he was right. Smart.

Other things I've loving...
- RR/RW Battle of the Sexes 2
- Cold Case
- Without a Trace
- Degrassi (this past week was the "hey gay kid" episode and Marco came out to his mother, great!)
- Still Standing
- "Alternative" on VH1 Classics (it's like watching 120 minutes back in the day with Dave Kendall)


Monday 10.4.04

Still Standing
Best use of animal traits by a human goes to the boyfriend on tonight's episode. Not to mention her cat's name: Nathanial Pawthorne (brilliant). Her cat's death: Genius (she dressed the cat up for Halloween as a mouse then the mouse caught a glimpse of itself in a full length mirror and charged, assuming it was a large mouse - oh god, I'm still laughing). God I love this show.

OH NOOOOO! Little Delia found her neighbor's vibrator under her bed and was told it was a foot massager. OH NO! I don't know where they are going with this new mousy character Hannah that Ephram and Amy have befriended, but I like the tone of it. I like how Amy is so desperate for a female friend that she is overextending herself trying to make Hannah less, well... Hannah. She likes Manga, wears coke bottle glasses and writes in her journal non-stop. A cheerleader she's not!

RW/RR Battle of the Sexes 2
All I know is that they put Katie and Veronica back in that house and there better be some damn good cat fights. I mean last year we got naked screaming and shoving, how can we top that? AND, finally... there are multiple good looking gay men on a reality show forced to live in the same house. I needs me some hook ups for Shane and the newest Roadie cast member, Nick. How you doin'?


Desperate Housewives 10.3.04

Desperate Housewives
Originally uploaded by duckydale.
This show is Pleasantville meets Edward Scissorhands. It�s all kitsch and mystery but comedic and touching. And by the title, these are some Desperate Housewives, let me tell you. Of course, this show is owned by Marcia Cross (crazy Kimberly from Melrose, and Dr. Linda Abbott from Everwood) as the uptight picture perfect stepford wife. She is the highest strung and the most psychotic of them all. Though it seems that each woman in her own has despair� Teri Hatcher is a whimpy (yet hot) recent divorcee with some self esteem issues and in dire need of a good lay. She sets fire to Nicolette Sheridan�s house in a jealous fit because they are both going after a recent single transplant in the form of a plumber named Mike. Felicity Huffman is the once powerful executive now baby machine that hates her life and is fed up with her status qua persona, so much so that she trampses through a pool in a ball gown at a wake to get her lying triplets and later punches her husband in the face as he tells her �lets risk [not using protection]�� Eva Longerian is the hot mamasita that is married to a rich prick of a husband but sleeping with her hotty gardner. She�s so desperate to keep up her subservient charade that she goes home from a formal event to mow the lawn in a ball gown so her prick husband doesn�t fire the hotty gardner.

It�s deceiving, it�s quirky, it�s siky sweet on the surface but brimming over with contempt and secrets. This cul-de-sac will unravel sooner than later and I will have a front row seat.

Degrassi Premiere - The Ghost in the Machine

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Hon, Paige is the shit, so take a whiff. Knowing that Paige is my favorite Degrassi character, you should also know that this episode was all about Paige. In Season 2, Paige was raped by a guy named Dean that went to a rival school. She pressed charges at the end of "a special Degrassi episode" and that was that. She found herself again and was empowered as a woman. Go girl. Now, flashforward 2 years and Paige receives a subpeona to appear in court for the rape trial against Dean. A jigga what? Yeah, as The N has been promoting...

"Degrassi... It Goes There"

And how, by episode's end, Paige had demolished Dean's car by ramming her boyfriends BRAND NEW CAR through his at a college frat party just seconds after she told his whole pledging class that he date rapes high school girls. GENIUS! Paige rocks. I mean, whoops, she just demolished her boyfriends new car, but a girl's gotta let it out.

Best line of the night, Craig to homo Marco as he walks into school the first day wearing a mod suit with a skinny tie and sunglasses:
Craig: "Been to the Mall lately?"


Survivor is haunting me...

So I checked my spamalicious yahoo account and one of the �bulk/spam� mails was from someone named MIA and not kidding, I had a moment of �Oh My God, she found me!� . Yeah, that Mia, from Survivor.

Of course, its not her sending me an email but just the fact that her name popped up was like she was stalking down anyone that thought ill will towards her last night. Like something out of a Japanese horror film, through technology she gets into the heads of those that telepathically tried to do her wrong (as I did last night praying she got the boot). And could there have been a more jaded �final thoughts� from her? Damn sister, Twila is one of 5 that voted you out and she really was speaking the truth the other night when you supposedly got all �offended�. Please� take your lollipop of a head with a 1994 nose ring and gets ta getting� already. God, I hated her. Maybe she was on that plane in LOST when it went down and she died. The LOST plane was coming from some sort of exotic locale, you don�t know�

Long live TWILA!